by Soro

Circular connections

Circular connections

9 January 2022TEZOSIPFS

"Circular connections" represents the multitude of connections between people thanks to technological advances. Each person is connected to a number of people who form a circle. The more human knowledge progresses, the more the connection between humans is simplified until there is only one circle where all humans will be connected to each other, the perfect circle.

Each circle has his own connections color except when there is only one circle.
Circular connections are 95% of the time continuous otherwise they are random.

- Number of circles.
- Theme over 720.
- 5 colors palette.
- Density.
- Stat angle.
- Position can be "perfect" (one centered circle perfectly sized), "shift" (one shifted circle) or "together" (multiple circles).
- Connections can be "continuous" or "random".

Rare features
- 1/5 chance to get a "perfect" position if you get only one circle.
- 1/20 chance to get "random" connections.

soroma.tez || antoinea.tez

Charcoal Artist exposing nowhere.
Generative Artist exposing on fxhash.
Opt art has always fascinated me.





64 / 64

fixed price

0.8 TEZ

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