by Johano

Central Park

Central Park

16 March 2023TEZOSIPFS

This art inspired by aerial views of the famous "central park" in New York city. its the perfect place where architecture and nature come together,someone had to express it into art, so i did!

To express such an art by coding, it takes lots of different algorithms of different fields to combine together and work in harmony - architecture,traffic,nature,rules,colors,randomness,patterns...

A detailed article about the project describing the technical details with examples is published in my articles fxhash.

its RECOMMENDED to check it first, or atleast see all possible 16 palette generations for this art, to know what colors to expect (all possible color generations are provided in the article with pictures).

important points:
- Each art piece generate about 1.5 million objects in the scene using instancing. IT NEEDS A GPU TO RENDER.
- There are 16 palette generations.
- Pre-mint generation is open, you can test it as much as you like.


the user can change the position of the sun (and as a consequence change the shadows direction). the directions:

pressing "q" - northwest
pressing "w" - north
pressing "e" - northeast
pressing "d" - east
pressing "c" - southeast
pressing "x" - south
pressing "z" - southwest
pressing "a" - west
pressing "s" - random position

- the sun slightly moving in circular motion, to stop/move the sun:
press 'i'

- to increase the height of the sun: (makes shadows shorter)
press/hold 'k'

- to decrease the height of the sun: (makes shadows longer)
press/hold 'l'

- this art made to be viewed above, but the user can adjust/change slightly the position of the camera view. zoom in/out or oribit (by the mouse), to achieve the desired fitting view.

- to rest the camera view to the initial state, the default value (this also rests sun's height):
press 'o'.

- to download the current view:
press 'p'

By Johano, made with three.js

Generative artist, love to create stuff with code




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