by VidaV



25 June 2022TEZOSIPFS

On the surface, a Cellulaire is a surface! But notice; often porous, it's also a locus.
Locus of millions of very tiny lines, one bit and one layer at a time connecting many dots. Different species of Cellular Automata (studied by John von Neumann, Stanislaw Ulam, Stephen Wolfram, and John Horton Conway) the surface hosts. The little cells interact with their neighbors following simple rules. To express themselves, in multitudes of colors, they have evolved novel gene pools.

A Cellulaire may have inside itself yet bigger cells; those created by its surface intersecting itself. And on its membrane that is porous, it hosts whimsical vesicles, or maybe a lotus; sometimes hiding in private quarters, draped with fanciful silk, velvet, or lace.

But let's go beyond all this hocus pocus.

Some Cellulaires look like chapels; light peeking through their stained glass windows. Others look more like walled gardens, orchards, or vineyards of grapes. And some look like modern architectural spaces; have you ever stood or walked inside the Sequence (by Richard Serra)? To me, a Cellulaire is a meditation about life itself: how all systems and organisms, natural or man-made, are modular and cellular, built from smaller subsystems with their own boundaries and membranes, that interact, communicate, and evolve together, giving rise to ever more complex systems, patterns, structures, and behaviors.

With all that, the lotus now invites you to a meditative focus while this opus is rendered on its locus.

- Click the mouse to pause/unpause.
- Press 's' to save a PNG file.
- Press 't' to toggle, for a larger and higher resolution version that might be partially off screen. Once fully rendered, save a bonus 4800x4800 PNG file by pressing 's'. Toggle back to the original size by pressing 't' again.

See included

Made in p5js.

PhD in Computer Engineering, exploring AI & Robotics. Graphics and digital art since 1992. Creator of TwoTojazz and WizArt apps.

My only other artist wallet: WizArtOfTez





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dutch auction

77 TEZ

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