by poperbu
caixes π
29 March 2023β’TEZOSβ’IPFS
-NOTE: Headphones recomended. Some extreme sounds (frequency and amplitude) can be generated.
Caixes (boxes):
-8 to 24 rows.
-24 to 48 active boxes in each row (the length of each row is at least the double).
-Full boxes contains one of 8 possible sounds.
-Rows move in two possible directions and have diferent velocities and sizes.
-when two adjacent boxes have the same sound type, are full and diferent directions, the synthesizer for that sound is activated.
-when they are activated, there is a possibility that the two lines that contain the sound boxes, change their position.
"Show empty boxes": show(true) empty boxes.
"Dark Mode": Dark (true) / light (false) mode.
"Squares/Rects": Squares (true): height of boxes have the same value of width / rects(false) height of boxes fill all the space.
"Squares/Rects": 0 to 1-> thikness of vertical lines.
"Flash intensity": when two rows are swaped, a flash is activated. Intensity of this flash (low, mid, high)
"Frequency Range": Frequency range of sounds. (random, all, low, high)
"Wave shapes": Select unique wave shape for all sounds (sine, sawtooth, square, triangle) or all of them randomly assigned to each sound.
"cols": number of active boxes (in screen) for each row (24-48)
"rows": number of rows (8-24)
"check_frames": the boxes are checked every check_frames(8-28)
"same_freq": same frequencies for all rows
"ratio_full": ratio of full boxes over total boxes.
"avg_boxes": average boxes/row
"avg_velocity": average velocity,
"fx_prob": probability of sound effects (less is more),
"change_prob": probability of row swap.
-powered by p5js and p5.sound
-NOTE: Headphones recomended. Some extreme sounds (frequency and amplitude) can be generated.
Caixes (boxes):
-8 to 24 rows.
-24 to 48 active boxes in each row (the length of each row is at least the double).
-Full boxes contains one of 8 possible sounds.
-Rows move in two possible directions and have diferent velocities and sizes.
-when two adjacent boxes have the same sound type, are full and diferent directions, the synthesizer for that sound is activated.
-when they are activated, there is a possibility that the two lines that contain the sound boxes, change their position.
"Show empty boxes": show(true) empty boxes.
"Dark Mode": Dark (true) / light (false) mode.
"Squares/Rects": Squares (true): height of boxes have the same value of width / rects(false) height of boxes fill all the space.
"Squares/Rects": 0 to 1-> thikness of vertical lines.
"Flash intensity": when two rows are swaped, a flash is activated. Intensity of this flash (low, mid, high)
"Frequency Range": Frequency range of sounds. (random, all, low, high)
"Wave shapes": Select unique wave shape for all sounds (sine, sawtooth, square, triangle) or all of them randomly assigned to each sound.
"cols": number of active boxes (in screen) for each row (24-48)
"rows": number of rows (8-24)
"check_frames": the boxes are checked every check_frames(8-28)
"same_freq": same frequencies for all rows
"ratio_full": ratio of full boxes over total boxes.
"avg_boxes": average boxes/row
"avg_velocity": average velocity,
"fx_prob": probability of sound effects (less is more),
"change_prob": probability of row swap.
-powered by p5js and p5.sound
48 / 48
fixed price
0.5 TEZ
Lorem ipsum project longer longer
0.00001 ETH
Lorem ipsum project longer longer
0.00001 ETH
Lorem ipsum project longer longer
0.00001 ETH
Lorem ipsum project longer longer
0.00001 ETH
Lorem ipsum project longer longer
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Lorem ipsum project longer longer
0.00001 ETH
Lorem ipsum project longer longer
0.00001 ETH
Lorem ipsum project longer longer
0.00001 ETH
Lorem ipsum project longer longer
0.00001 ETH
Lorem ipsum project longer longer
0.00001 ETH
Lorem ipsum project longer longer
0.00001 ETH
Lorem ipsum project longer longer
0.00001 ETH
Lorem ipsum project longer longer
0.00001 ETH
Lorem ipsum project longer longer
0.00001 ETH
Lorem ipsum project longer longer
0.00001 ETH
Lorem ipsum project longer longer
0.00001 ETH
Lorem ipsum project longer longer
0.00001 ETH
Lorem ipsum project longer longer
0.00001 ETH
Lorem ipsum project longer longer
0.00001 ETH
Lorem ipsum project longer longer
0.00001 ETH
Lorem ipsum project longer longer
0.00001 ETH
Lorem ipsum project longer longer
0.00001 ETH
Lorem ipsum project longer longer
0.00001 ETH