by TamasAntal+1

Budapest 150 After

Budapest 150 After
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15 December 2023TEZOSIPFS

The famous Belgrade quay can be seen from the Buda side looking towards the Pest side, bathed in neon lights reflected in the waters of the Danube. The piched rooftops and facades are illuminated by retro neon signs, an old nostalgic light tram can be seen, while ships dock on the lower quay.
The visible tram runs on one of the most beautiful tram lines in the world.

Today's Budapest was founded on 17 November 1873 by the merger of Pest on the left bank of the Danube and Buda and Óbuda on the right bank.

It evokes the exciting world of the 20th century, when neon advertisements appeared lyrically in the entire city, which were designed and maintained by Capital Neon Equipment Manufacturing Company. People in the city were captivated by some kind of inner glow in the evening, a pleasant light pollution. A non-specific report hovered in the lights. You traveled by some means of transport, listened to music on a Walkman and looked at advertising lights. The roofs of the houses were lit up, it was monumental and touching to scan the lights around 180 degrees. You looked at the many pillars of light on the water of the Danube, as the moon followed you in the night. All night turned into an inner meaning. I invite you an afterparty to discover this world. Today, these neon signs have almost completely disappeared from the city.
Dániel Groma / creative coder:

Displaying random texts and images using a rectangle packing algorithm. The location, appearance number, size and color of the elements are defined in a probability database. The dynamic texture layers and the reflection of the neon lights on the water are rendered in a Babylon.js scene.
Tamás Antal / visual artist:

∙Hand-drawn neon light advertisements based on fictional and real neon signs,

∙Poetry: The words of two poems by Tamas appear as neon lights on the rooftops
/ "Néma némafilm", 1999 & "Villamoson", 2002 - both poems describe night traveling by trams in Budapest. Language: Hungarian: /

∙Optimalization: PNG (192 layers - 366kb) & Font (11 type - 567kb).

Neon signs:
on the roof: 8 real / 17 fiction + text of 2 poems
on the building: 71 real / 9 fiction
Windows: 59 layers
Trams: 2
Ships: 7

Rarity: #

∙Genesis / NFT Exhibition story:





70 / 150

fixed price


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