by neelts+2

Broken Flowers

Broken Flowers

25 February 2023TEZOSIPFS

The project is a collaboration of three wild forces of nature - Sofja Akhmetova (artist of all divine kinds and poet), Neil Akhmetov (generative programmer and coding mastermind) and Daria Dolengovskaya (floral designer and 3D generalist).

Daria's physical floral compositions have a peculiar lightness and lavishness to it. They are often reminiscent of rich, giant, puffy clouds. This project is an attempt to capture the feeling of a physical bouquet and translate them into the virtual space of generative NFT. Together we are trying to convert the florist's specific techniques and strategies for working with real flowers into the creative approaches of Neil's digital code. The proportions of the flowers to each other are in accordance with the actual physical dimensions. There are a total of 137 unique flowers used in the project, with 64 unique varieties.

The flowers used in this project are all broken and are destined to be thrown in the trash. This is a common situation in florist’s studios — the disposal of flowers that have broken off their stems during transport or when assembling a composition. Even if the bud is perfectly fresh and fine, it ends up in the rubbish and never has a chance to show its beauty to the world. With this project, we are giving them a chance to bloom once more!

A portion of the primary sales will go to #TezQuakeAid to help those affected by the recent earthquake in Turkey and Syria.

Technical details

The generation process starts with the selection of one of the four groups of flowers. They are named after different types of clouds: Cumulus, Cirrocumulus, Stratocumulus or Nimbus. The selected group of flowers begins to fall into the virtual bucket, gradually forming the resulting composition. The buds are accompanied by transparent blurs to emphasize the cloudy look and add depth to the image. The final scale of the image is determined by the random selection of the zoom range, from 100% to 400%, with 25% steps in between. The deterministic physics simulation is powered by the framework, which guarantees that all tokens look the same on all systems. At the end of the process, the algorithm ensures that at least one flower is visible and in focus.


p - pause/play simulation ( or click/tap )
r - restart simulation ( or double click/tap )
s - show generation from start ( or triple click/tap )

Built with Svelte + TS
The NFT works best with Firefox due to the heavy use of mask-image & backdrop-filter.

Copyright (c) 2023 Sofia Akhmetova, Neil Akhmetov, Daria Dolengovskaya

CC BY-ND* 4.0

Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format
for any purpose. Commercial use permitted if you either currently own or have owned at least one of the editions of this NFT.

For more license details including and Simplex Noise license please open <IPFS_URL>/

Floral designer, 3D generalist




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