by anbello
Boids 2D
25 April 2022•TEZOS•IPFS
'Boids 2D' is a Generative Token that represent the flocking of birds over a landscape. The name 'Boids' comes from a famous computer animation / simulation program.
The landscape is rendered as a texture using a kind of warped noise as height map.
The boids are disposed along the flow lines obtained from the noise gradient. This gives the sensation that the Boids follow the undulations of the landscape.
Previously embedded in the 'Boids' (3D) Generative Token as an ester egg on 20% of iterations, now every iterations will be 2D as viewed from the sky.
Every owner of the 'Boids' (3D) GT will receive one 'Boids 2D' for free. The owner that minted a 'Boids' with ester egg will receive two 'Boids 2D' for free.
It is possible to save a 1600x1600 png with key 's'.
Sources of variations are:
- Noise warping control parameters generating different grade of complexity and different shape an the landscape and Boids flock (combined on a single number on the features).
- 21 color mapping for landscape and Boids.
- Two kind of border, solid or negative.
Palette: color palette name (21 different palettes)
NoiseControl: noise control parameter (0 - 15)
Border: the border can be in solid color or negative color (Solid, Negative)
Created by Andrea Belloni, fxhash: anbello, twitter: @Waterflowing0. Licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0, see LICENSE.txt for more information.
The landscape is rendered as a texture using a kind of warped noise as height map.
The boids are disposed along the flow lines obtained from the noise gradient. This gives the sensation that the Boids follow the undulations of the landscape.
Previously embedded in the 'Boids' (3D) Generative Token as an ester egg on 20% of iterations, now every iterations will be 2D as viewed from the sky.
Every owner of the 'Boids' (3D) GT will receive one 'Boids 2D' for free. The owner that minted a 'Boids' with ester egg will receive two 'Boids 2D' for free.
It is possible to save a 1600x1600 png with key 's'.
Sources of variations are:
- Noise warping control parameters generating different grade of complexity and different shape an the landscape and Boids flock (combined on a single number on the features).
- 21 color mapping for landscape and Boids.
- Two kind of border, solid or negative.
Palette: color palette name (21 different palettes)
NoiseControl: noise control parameter (0 - 15)
Border: the border can be in solid color or negative color (Solid, Negative)
Created by Andrea Belloni, fxhash: anbello, twitter: @Waterflowing0. Licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0, see LICENSE.txt for more information.
Physicist fascinated by art and science interlude, generative art, fractals, chaos theory and self-organization.
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fixed price
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0.00001 ETH
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0.00001 ETH
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0.00001 ETH
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0.00001 ETH
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0.00001 ETH
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0.00001 ETH
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0.00001 ETH
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0.00001 ETH
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0.00001 ETH
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0.00001 ETH
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0.00001 ETH
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0.00001 ETH
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0.00001 ETH
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0.00001 ETH
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0.00001 ETH
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0.00001 ETH
Lorem ipsum project longer longer
0.00001 ETH
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0.00001 ETH
Lorem ipsum project longer longer
0.00001 ETH
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0.00001 ETH
Lorem ipsum project longer longer
0.00001 ETH
Lorem ipsum project longer longer
0.00001 ETH
Lorem ipsum project longer longer
0.00001 ETH