by vanci

Attractive Forces

Attractive Forces

14 January 2022TEZOSIPFS

Natura nihil fit in frustra.
Nature does nothing in vain.

An intermolecular force is the force that mediates interaction between molecules and repulsion that act between atoms and other types of neighboring particles such as ions. This work tries to simulate intermolecular forces in an abstract way.

Drop Specs:
This drop includes 15 Unique Color variations for background color and particle colors.
Particles have white color with a 10% chance and a rainbow effect with a chance of 5%
It also simulates the attraction between particles with random attraction magnitude.
Particles can have directional tendencies with 20% chance. It has 8 different directions.
Particles also have three movement speed categories that are slow, average and fast with equal chances.
Each work has particle count between 90 to 150.




12 / 12

fixed price

0.4 TEZ

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