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by huginnC

As Above So Below

As Above So Below

16 July 2023TEZOSIPFS

"As Above So Below. As Within So Without" is a verse that suggests that the microcosm and the macrocosm are reflections of each other. It means that the world around us is a reflection of our inner world, and vice versa. Also implies that the universe is a harmonious whole that everything is interconnected.

I use circle, dashed line and transparent filling as a base form to construct a framework that generates images which attempt to represent the mind and thoughts of this verse.

The "BaseCircle" Feature means that how many circle was used as a starting point to expand to the whole canvas. Those rules construct different forms in visuals of harmony . Hope you like the abstract and the concrete of this work.

Done by P5js. Press "S" to save image in the viewing window's resolution.

Creator based in Taiwan, from Hong Kong.





11 / 77

fixed price

2.5 TEZ

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