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by Morbeck_PhotoAr...



28 April 2024BASEIPFS

The territory of memory is not a linear space, it is constituted from the interpretation and rescue of fragments, just like the image that is completed in the specific perception of those who observe it, both contain much more than what is seen.

After all, how many images can fit into other images?

Experimenting with the different possibilities of human x machine interaction has been an object of interest to me for a long time, especially the developments of the image and its perceptions.

In addition to the common interest in using technology to synthesize the real in a way that is more real than reality, I am interested in thinking about where the unimaginable lives in perceptual space.

From a pre-defined set of images, the algorithm appropriates randomness, in a semi-autonomous process that reveals unique visual experiences, reinforcing the inevitability of change and the transience of all things.

# Main features
- 11 color zones;
- 11 flora types;
- 4 blend modes;
- 2 textures patterns;
- 2 Poetry modes.

- Press “s” to save .png
- Press “j” to save .jpg

Generative and photo art project by Morbeck
April, 2024

PhotoArt profile by Morbeck

Brazilian Multidisciplinary Artist and architect

twitter @morbeck_art





1 / 256

fixed price

0.00125 ETH (Base)

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