by poperbu

Amnèsia [🎧]

Amnèsia [🎧]


-Animated and audio.
-40% secondary royalties for minter.
-WYSIWYG by default (you can mint using transaction hash too )
-Only Black and White pixels.
-Powered by p5js, p5.sound and p5.func
-If at the end of the auction (or after a few days) 50% mints have not been exceeded, the number of iterations will be halved.
-Chrome browser recommended
-Supply can be halved if half supply has not been minted after some time.

-Click-> start/pause.
-'S'-> Save image of current canvas.
-'L'-> Loop Mode On/off (default On). (If it is off, it will be stopped at the end of each cicle).


·WYSIWYG: use minter address as random seed (you get what you see) or use transaction hash (random) default: true.
·WYSIWYG seed: number of minter random seed. (It's not really a seed. Each time it is sent to the $fx.randminter() function, it is done 5 times and the results are sequenced. Això gives more flexibility to the minter.)
·max changes: max number of changes (default: random)
·Num. sources: Number of sources (patterns). 1-4, default: random.
·src distribution: Source patterns distribution: rectangles, rows or columns (default: rows)
·src rand size: Size of source patterns: same size (false) (default) / random size (true)
·src density: Density of source patterns. ["low","mid", "high","random"]-> default: random
·src thikness: Thickness of source patterns. ["thin","mid", "thick","random"]-> default: random.
·src only lines: Use only source patterns based on lines (true) / use any type of source pattern (false). Default: false
·allow circles: allow circle as a base shape for changes (default: false)
·pxl invert prob: probability of pixel invertion change. (0.0->0.5)->default: 0.2
·noise prob: probability of noise change. (0.0->1.0)->default: 0.5
·glitch prob: probability of glitch change. (0.0->0.5)->default: 0.2


·WYSIWYG: It has been minter using minter address (true) or not (false)
·num_of_sources: number of source patterns. (1-4)
·src_same_size: source patterns have the same size (true/false)
·src_distribution: source patterns distribution: rectangles, rows or columns
·num_of_changes: num of changes. (2-24)
·density: density of source patters: low, mid or high.
·thikness: thickness of source patterns: thin, mid or thick.
·only_lines: only lines source patterns (true) or all source patterns (false ) option.
·hasCircle: at least one circle has been used in one change (true/false)
·hasNoise: at least one noise change (true/false)
·hasGlitch: at least one glitch change (true/false)
·hasInvert: at least one pixel invert change (true/false)




96 / 96

fixed price


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