by 0xphiiil

All You Deserve

All You Deserve

14 January 2022TEZOSIPFS

Features, traits and attributes are an expressions channel for generative artists. Selecting these categories and their options is an added dimension to the traditional colour, composition, medium, title, etc.
As these traits are measured and analyzed by rarity collectors, they are also reductive as they place the art in discreet buckets. In "All You Deserve", I chose to make them an integral part of the piece by rendering them on the canvas.
"All You Deserve" is a simple series with a touch of anger at my struggle with procrastination.

Artist trapped inside a programmer's body. Working on a few series including 'All you deserve is a pseudorandom black hole' and 'DeStijl Cookie'.




40 / 40

fixed price

0.5 TEZ

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