by lydiamoonxx
19 February 2022•TEZOS•IPFS
Airi is from Europa, a moon of Jupiter. She sparkles like the stars!
This NFT uses a combination of layered PNGs and a generative background.
A multicolor gradient is created from random colors.
A field of stars is generated.
Stars are placed randomly and have random size, eccentricity, and rotation.
Multiple PNGs are layered to create the NFT.
Some layers have randomized hue and brightness.
Undesirable hues have been programmatically excluded.
Face Tattoos: Two Styles
Understanding - Common
Insight - Common
Body Tattoos: Two Styles
Resilience - Common
Agility - Common
Earrings: Two Styles -
Hoop - Common
Chain - Rare
Clothes: Three styles -
Heart Clothes (Color Shifted) - Common
Flower Clothes (Color Shifted) - Rare
Cow Clothes - Ultra Rare
Hair Accessory: Two Styles -
Hearts (Color Shifted) - Common
Frogs - Rare
This NFT uses a combination of layered PNGs and a generative background.
A multicolor gradient is created from random colors.
A field of stars is generated.
Stars are placed randomly and have random size, eccentricity, and rotation.
Multiple PNGs are layered to create the NFT.
Some layers have randomized hue and brightness.
Undesirable hues have been programmatically excluded.
Face Tattoos: Two Styles
Understanding - Common
Insight - Common
Body Tattoos: Two Styles
Resilience - Common
Agility - Common
Earrings: Two Styles -
Hoop - Common
Chain - Rare
Clothes: Three styles -
Heart Clothes (Color Shifted) - Common
Flower Clothes (Color Shifted) - Rare
Cow Clothes - Ultra Rare
Hair Accessory: Two Styles -
Hearts (Color Shifted) - Common
Frogs - Rare
3 / 3
fixed price
Lorem ipsum project longer longer
0.00001 ETH
Lorem ipsum project longer longer
0.00001 ETH
Lorem ipsum project longer longer
0.00001 ETH
Lorem ipsum project longer longer
0.00001 ETH
Lorem ipsum project longer longer
0.00001 ETH
Lorem ipsum project longer longer
0.00001 ETH
Lorem ipsum project longer longer
0.00001 ETH
Lorem ipsum project longer longer
0.00001 ETH
Lorem ipsum project longer longer
0.00001 ETH
Lorem ipsum project longer longer
0.00001 ETH
Lorem ipsum project longer longer
0.00001 ETH
Lorem ipsum project longer longer
0.00001 ETH
Lorem ipsum project longer longer
0.00001 ETH
Lorem ipsum project longer longer
0.00001 ETH
Lorem ipsum project longer longer
0.00001 ETH
Lorem ipsum project longer longer
0.00001 ETH
Lorem ipsum project longer longer
0.00001 ETH
Lorem ipsum project longer longer
0.00001 ETH
Lorem ipsum project longer longer
0.00001 ETH
Lorem ipsum project longer longer
0.00001 ETH
Lorem ipsum project longer longer
0.00001 ETH
Lorem ipsum project longer longer
0.00001 ETH
Lorem ipsum project longer longer
0.00001 ETH
Lorem ipsum project longer longer
0.00001 ETH