by ParseError


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16 February 2023TEZOSIPFS

Humanity is a gregarious species, living together is the key to our survival. Aggregation is a study about physics, movement and reactivity, a reflection on the capacity of a swarm of independent, autonomous, different elements to come together to form a whole, a new coherent entity. An experiment about energy and beauty emerging from simple shapes, randomness and attractions.

// WARNING – Intensive! – This piece is using a physics engine to be able to simulate movements and collisions, making intensive use of the GPU and CPU. Because of that, the animation can be really slow on low-end machines or mobile devices. Note that it might not work on some older computers or mobiles because of that.

// Press S to save as png (4000 x 4000 px)

Made with : ThreeJS + Rapier
2023 - Parse/Error

Between digital/tangible, my work is born from the encounter between art and technology and focuses on the interaction between human and nature. (twitter: @ufunk_parse / HEN: ParseError + parseerror_generative)




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15 TEZ

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