by Datapoint Techn...

A Study of Primes

A Study of Primes
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4 September 2022TEZOSIPFS

“Some numbers, even large ones, have no factors - except themselves, of course, and 1. These are called prime numbers, because everything they are starts with themselves. They are original, gnarled, unpredictable, the freaks of the number world.” ― Richard Friedberg

My first project and brief study into the world of Prime Numbers.

A curated list of interesting prime numbers, some are palindromes, others have sequential patterns, others are just....pretty.

Humans constant search for patterns among the chaos continues!

Each Prime Number has Three Attributes

-Prime Number
-Number of Digits
-Random Neon Color (For Fun!)

Donations will go towards funding other bigger and more interesting data/art/science projects! Prob will do a giveaway or something silly for the supporters!

I dunno really know where this is headed lmao...thanks for looking!

Hope you have a great rest of your day! :)




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