by abetusk

3SUM Economy

3SUM Economy

8 February 2022TEZOSIPFS

"3SUM Economy" is an experimental generative art piece that attempts to highlight some of the inherent contradictions surrounding the discussion of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and its place as a vehicle for artistic creation, artistic expression and the potential of remuneration for artists.

p - pause

s - screenshot

To the extent possible, source code is dedicated to the public domain (CC0). All third party libraries used are libre/free licensed. Please see individual source files for their license information.

"3SUM Economy" is an attempt to examine on the common criticisms against cryptocurrencies and NFTs that are mired in a "zero sum" mindset. Cryptocurrencies and NFTs are accused of being incapable of creating wealth and utility while the utility of analogous systems are normalized and criticisms dismissed.

This work hopes to add to the conversation about examining the reality of the ecosystem that we've developed around digital goods and intellectual property.

Libre/free advocate




15 / 15

fixed price

1.5 TEZ

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