by Gyo

。*゚。*゚ Oracle

。*゚。*゚ Oracle

22 February 2022TEZOSIPFS

。*゚。*゚ Oracle contains messages to be decrypted.

Before you mint:
Relax. Concentrate. Be open to receive your first message.

Guide for the consulter/collector:
Use the features as guidance to connect with each message received. Consult the oracle whenever you wish. The algorithm can generate up to 1000 possibilities ranging from advice, warning, feeling, and movement. Or, sometimes it may even say: Please try again later!

The features can be viewed from the console;
To decrypt the message: click on the center circle or press the [m] key;
To perform a new consultation: click on the Oracle icon or press the [o] key;

There are 40 palettes related to the elements of the Oracle.

* This version of the Oracle works perfectly for desktop and Android. But we have not reached a solution for good functionality on iOS. Who knows, maybe in the next Oracle? :D

Built on p5js*
Collab @kk_gyo with @RitaAlamino

Artist, cook. I experiment with embroideries through screen printing, coding, AI.




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