by Völker



8 July 2022TEZOSIPFS

The idea is to create a sketch-like work of art that, in addition to beauty, has a unique function. Each mint is a roadmap for the pricing of subsequent sales.

Each mint consists of several squares filled with a random sequence of numbers.
Each of the numbers inside the square, from left to right, determines the next price of the mint. So the rule is simple, check the previous price, use the number inside the square for pricing. If, for any reason, the pricing is different from the specified numbers, the next price of the work will be determined according to the increase factor of the numbers inside the squares.
Each of the miners also receives a percentage of future sales.

Press ’s’ on the live mode to save the artwork.

Made with p5js.

Generative Artist and Creative Coder.
Twitter: @VolkerAr1




128 / 128

fixed price

0.99 TEZ

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