The creative process behind GENESIS
written by mekhno
This article has been written for art lovers and collectors to help them understand the creative process that took place during the creation of GENESIS collection on autumn 2022. I would like to apologize in advance if there is any writting or spelling mistakes, as english is not my native language.
GENESIS project started on October 2022, soon after my wife and I knew that she was pregnant and that we were going to be parents. I wanted to express all those happy feelings with a generative art collection and I began to think how could I approach the creation/procreation topic artistically. So the first visual representation that came to my mind was the Big Bang theory, a huge explosion of light in the dark (void), and the dynamics of the cosmological structures.
Immediatelly, I began to sketch some raw ideas on my notebook (see above) about how I wanted to represent those galactic structures and how they relate to the gestation that was taking place in the womb. In that moment I realized I was using the macrocosmos = microcosmos axioma that some hermetic texts describe. This concept uses cosmological structures and dynamics (macrocosmos) to represent life creation at smaller, human size (microcosmos) and appears in numerous hermetic and alchemical books to explain how life perpetuates itself and to understand human nature studying the cosmos (see below).
Later on, I started to code in 2D with that idea in mind, using galaxy-like structures to represent my child gestation. I used particles systems with simple points to represent light expanding into the dark/void. Also attraction and repulsion movements were used to replicate pulsatile motions, as I understand that any living creature vibrates and has pulsatile motion in its core. From this 2D studies, I made a short series of seven pieces of 20 seconds long GIFs that were published on Minteed Platform and a gift piece on Versum called "Genesis archetype" (see below).
In the short collection of GIFs made by code and published on Minteed, I used light, dark and motion to express 7 different stages of the (pro-)creation (totally personal approach). 1 or the waiting, 2 or the conjunction of the non complementary, 3 or the true conjunction, 4 or the gestation, 5 or the maturation, 6 or the expansion and 7 or the quietude. Check the link to see the full collection:
Although I liked the hypnotic effect of that code art, I found that something was missing. I wanted to represent 3D structures, so I thought the better way to work with it was using webgl and 3d to give a more space-like visuals to the collection. And then I started to apply the mechanics of the circle structures of fourth and fifth stage from my 2D genesis collection (the gestation and maturation) into 3D sphere structures composition. At the end, three parts or structures were made to compose each piece: the matrix or more external part, that gives space and confort for the process to happen. The inner nucleus that provides energy and force. And the intermediate shape, particular and unique in every piece, essence of the new being, that moves pulsatile, reaching the inner core and expanding again.
The visual result was satisfying but again, something was missing. It was then when the idea of using the "Logos as creator" concept came, as I was debating myself about what else besides light could represent the particles, the parts of the body, its atoms, its essence. This hermetic knowledge that all things were created by Logos ("word", "thought" in Greek language) or the sacred word, it is an universal concept repeated in almost every religious tradition. For example, Bereshit, first word of the Torah, widely translated as "From the beginning", has been interpreted by some cabalists with an alternative meaning such as "creation was made using the alphabet and fire" ("bara" - creation, "aleph" - first letter of the jewish alphabet, "shin" - fire and "tav" - last letter of the alphabet).
The combination of creation, cosmical structures and alphabet suddenly seemed to mix well in my head, so the use of letters, alphabet, symbols or numbers where applied to the code, instead of using small spheres or points. I encourage you to zoom in and out the piece to appreciate it.
Another aspect that had it evolution during the creative process was the intermediate structures. As I wrote before, I wanted it to have different shapes that could make every piece unique, exploring the concept of it being the essence that gives singularity to each individual. At the beginning, I started to play with simple spherical shapes, looked also for some Mandelbulb complex structures (they were too complex and too big to make them move) but finally I created a simple array to let the code randomly pick more or less complexity and angles in which the shape of this structure is formed.
Also, although, I loved the monochrome outputs and the meaning of light and dark dancing in the void, I think color always bring things alive and gives singularity, as life, as we experience it, comes from diversity, so I tried to apply some color to the artwork. There are not predefined palettes in this project and the code for the algorithm to pick up the colors is really simple, but quite surprising.
Finally, I want to encourage collectors and audience to watch it full screen on a big device and to interact with the keyboard controls to see the structure from all angles. Also try to modify parameters such as density, attenuation and emissions if you have a powerful device. Use the instructions written in the description of the piece or press "m" to show/hide the menu inside the art piece itself.
I hope you have enjoyed this little journey we just made through my artistical experience with GENESIS. Thank you for reading this and being here supporting fxhash ecosystem.