Сreating of "Hierarchy of Angels"

Сreating of "Hierarchy of Angels"

written by Gnomic_Economic

25 Jan 202377 EDITIONS
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Hierarchy of Angels is called to harmonize your mind and tune it to tranquil vibe of eternity.

Forms can look too simple - but they are fundamental and highly ordered.

project name project name project name

The first concept is the transformation of chaos

Most human activity is the ordering of chaotic matter. A simple example is the creation of complex buildings and machines from primitive components. Uniting of elements allow you to get new qualities.

In artwork the ordering of chaos shown as 30-40 layers of semi transparent circles placed randomly and mirroring symmetrically

I use types of symmetry - 2 sides mirroring and 4 sides mirroring. Human brain automatically start to recognize objects in symmetrical chaos - usually you can see faces or animals

4sides symmetry
4sides symmetry

Second concept - setting the limits.

Our perception is based on the perceiving of separated objects.

We see objects because they have borders. Words in speech separated by the pauses or by spaces in text.

If you do not set limits, the process may continue indefinitely without any results concrete.

In artwork, the symbol of limiting is the frame around chaos.

Every angel has a boundary of his territory too. Like an eggs have borders, like baby in pregnant woman have a limited space.

Third concept is Importance

The easiest way to demonstrate importance is to attract attention

The biggest the loudest, the brightest, object attracts attention. The Importance is especially noticeable in contrast with other.

In my work, this principle is shown using different types of size proportions.

Angels can be equal in size to each other, but the leader will be unique and everything revolves around him

Types of size proportins
Types of size proportins

Concept #4 is Concentration

Angels arranged in concentric circles. We can see concentric principle in the solar system. The planets are located around the sun and each has its own orbit.

It is very easy to calm and balance your mind by looking at the center of the image. You can both focus attention on point or defocus attention looking at the whole picture .

Working for a long time and looking through hundreds of variables I discovered the selectivity of attention in myself - I began to see the same patterns in my life.

Concept #5 is Archetype of wings

Creating wings, I saw a lot of similarities with the state symbols of many countries .

I saw in state symbols not an eagle that can steal baby. Or a seagull that can steal a sandwich.

I saw force lines. And wings are just symbolic reference to show power.

When people show their power and authority, they make themselves into the form of eagles.

Spread wings is an expansion of self in space.

Spreaded wings it's a feeling of strength and courage.

symbols of power
symbols of power

I create wings using Bezier curves. One is for upper border of wing, second of bottom border, and a lot curves with filling between borders in cycle.

procces of wing creation
procces of wing creation
all 13 possible wing types
all 13 possible wing types

Concept #6 - Ways of communication

In Judaism, angels can be translated as "messengers".

In my artwork, I have show communication as lines that connect angels.

In the case of centralization, this is similar to radio / TV or speaker from the stage that speak to audience.

In the case of a cascade, the control signal goes to a level below to one recipient.

And one distributes information inside of his circle.

In the case of decentralized - everyone communicates with everyone In the case of a circular one, angels communicate within their social class and in their information bubble.

We can see similar patterns in people society.

The geometric patterns that result from the connection can be quite interesting.

Connection types
Connection types


Colors give emotional information. I created 9 color schemes. Each scheme creates its own kind of mood.

Special attention to Megaloschema - this is a orthodox Christian monk tradition of severe restriction of needs - the colors also look strictly like a black metal album covers.

In the Gothic stained glass mode - the number of ranks and the number of angels are significantly increased - focus shifts to a complex geometric pattern.

Each combination of colors sets the mind in its own way.

1."Our Lady of the Gate of Dawn" 2.Megaloschemos 3.Michael Gabriel
1."Our Lady of the Gate of Dawn" 2.Megaloschemos 3.Michael Gabriel
1.Monastery of the Holy Apostles at Copernaum 2.Sicily Sunset 3.Sicily Dawn
1.Monastery of the Holy Apostles at Copernaum 2.Sicily Sunset 3.Sicily Dawn
1.Gothic stained glass 2.Warm Orthodox 3.Sky
1.Gothic stained glass 2.Warm Orthodox 3.Sky

Lessons that i learn while code Hierarchy of Angels:

1. Switch attention focus as rare as possible

My mistake was to frequently slightly change a values in the code and see how that affected the result. As the rendering time increased due to the large number of calculations, each new expectation made me more stupid. Sometimes I could refresh the page for hours and process didn't move. The more uninterrupted the flow of activities, the easier it is to maintain productivity and remember the current goal without falling into useless loops.

2. Create a vision of the result before you start programming.

The desire to act without a plan is attractive. When the goal is simple, acting immediately is the best solution. But when it is difficult to clearly describe what you are doing, the process can never end. Its refer to second concept of artwork – you must set limits or you will order chaos endlessly.

Its wrong to put creativity in the box, but without limits it never come to material world. You are free to push the limits if you don’t like result, but without limits – you never know when you get result.

3. Divide your code for easy navigation

Better to spend time to create easy to navigate code, then get distractions while trying to find specific function. Use organized files, folders. Close not used tabs. You burn to much neuroresource when you need to find specific code and remember current goal. The more information in one time you need to remember – the more interruptions and barriers you meet – the more frustration you get, the more hard process of programming.

4. Be aware and detached

Sometimes dive deep into process are good. But you need catch moment when process are slowed down and get clear question “why?”. Maybe you need to rest, maybe you need to change approach, maybe you need to think with pen and paper all depend at situation. You have to track the moment if you start to stagnate and change that.It like be starcraft player – always be aware about what units doing. If your coding unit is stuck – you need notice that and change situation.

5. Keep your spine straight

This principle shown in artwork – every time you see straight vertical lines of angels. If you keep your backbone straight – you can longer be active, focused and smart. When you lose tonus of backbone – you become more sleepy and passive.

Your mind and body have strong connection. Explore your feelings and body positions when are you acting the best, and opposite.

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