by poperbu
Modulacions 2: 'Memory' (audio)
25 January 2023•TEZOS•IPFS
"Modulacions 2: Memory" ies the second piece of the series 'Modulations'. Shorter (at most 12 characters of the Fxhash string) but with memory that is displayed on the screen.
Modulacions (Modulations): modulation with an oscillator (carrier) with an LFO (modulator).
-The LFO is controlled by some of fxhash characters
-Some parameters are randomly assigned to each of the possible characters of the fxhash string (0,1,2....X,Y,Z): carrier frequency, maximum and minimum frequencies of the modulator, waveforms, views etc.
-A number of fxhash characters are selected (4,6,8 or 12), and in order they are played and displayed using the assigned values.
-Each character is encoded in binary-> the LFO frequency is controlled: 1->maximum frequency, 0->minimum frequency.
·dark: black (true) or white (false).
·carrier_wave: wave shape of carrier oscillator (sine, square, triangle or sawtooth)
·modulator_mult: value of LFO multiplier.
·modulator_sum: value added to LFO amplitude.
·num_fxhash_chars: number of fxhash characters used (4, 6 , 8 or 12)
·carrier_freq_range: frequency range of carrier (low, mid or high).
·frames_per_bit: duration of each bit in frames.(10, 15 or 20)
·one_visual: same visual for all chars (true) or nor (false).
Press 's' to save canvas as png.
·Headphones recomended. Some extreme sounds (frequency and amplitude) can be generated.
·Preview is randomly generated, the final result can be very different.
-p5js and p5.sound
Modulacions (Modulations): modulation with an oscillator (carrier) with an LFO (modulator).
-The LFO is controlled by some of fxhash characters
-Some parameters are randomly assigned to each of the possible characters of the fxhash string (0,1,2....X,Y,Z): carrier frequency, maximum and minimum frequencies of the modulator, waveforms, views etc.
-A number of fxhash characters are selected (4,6,8 or 12), and in order they are played and displayed using the assigned values.
-Each character is encoded in binary-> the LFO frequency is controlled: 1->maximum frequency, 0->minimum frequency.
·dark: black (true) or white (false).
·carrier_wave: wave shape of carrier oscillator (sine, square, triangle or sawtooth)
·modulator_mult: value of LFO multiplier.
·modulator_sum: value added to LFO amplitude.
·num_fxhash_chars: number of fxhash characters used (4, 6 , 8 or 12)
·carrier_freq_range: frequency range of carrier (low, mid or high).
·frames_per_bit: duration of each bit in frames.(10, 15 or 20)
·one_visual: same visual for all chars (true) or nor (false).
Press 's' to save canvas as png.
·Headphones recomended. Some extreme sounds (frequency and amplitude) can be generated.
·Preview is randomly generated, the final result can be very different.
-p5js and p5.sound
128 / 128
fixed price
0.8 TEZ
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Lorem ipsum project longer longer
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0.00001 ETH