by meezwhite

Harlequin's Wheel

Harlequin's Wheel

15 May 2022TEZOSIPFS

When I walk down the stairs, I see patterns on every level.

The whirling makes me dizzy.

I better take the elevator.

– Harlequin

Style: Retina, Iris, Rings, Mystery, Exclamation
Rotation: somewhere between 1° and 24°
Color Palette: Unicolor or Rainbow (~38,2% chance)
Monochromacy: No or Yes (~1% chance)

[SPACE], tap or mouse click: Play/pause animation or reverse effect
[S]ave: Save current frame to PNG (in live mode)
[C]ontrols: Toggle controls
[V]ariation: Generate new variation
[F]ullscreen: Toggle fullscreen mode (if available)
[UP_ARROW]: Increase FPS
[DOWN_ARROW]: Decrease FPS

The token is mobile optimized and can be pinned to your home screen, similar to a mobile application.

Epileptic trigger: This token might generate variations with rapidly flashing lights which could trigger seizures for people with photosensitive epilepsy or similar conditions. If you experience any discomfort or negative effects stop using this token.


This project uses p5.js and the font EB Garamond.

multiverse nomad × programmer × generative artist × coding under palm trees




32 / 32

fixed price

0.5 TEZ

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