by frostbitten, Guillaume Corne...

Guil's Road Trip

Guil's Road Trip

17 October 2022TEZOSIPFS

Guil's Road Trip is the second piece in the continued collaborative journey of Guillaume Cornet and Matthew Seremet.

Join us as we cruise through 6 unique natural environments!
[Rocky Shores] [Dotted Desert] [Frozen Forest] [Lush Woodlands] [Rolling Hills] [Moonville]

This generative work is a departure from the cityscapes and architectural designs Guil has been known for. One inspiration to follow this path came from Matt's appreciation for Guil's published children's book: Elephants on Tour (available in multiple languages).

The tech behind this project utilizes the highly compressed WEBP image format in order to provide so many full-color options. This format is great, but unfortunately Safari on desktop/laptop must be upgraded to at least version 14 and macOS to at least version 11 Big Sur to use it.

To find out more about your GuilCity, copy your unique operation hash and place it at the end of the following url:
(for example:

Keyboard Controls:
[q] - Open .GIF export panel
[u] - Get link to updated version
[space] - Pause

Matthew Seremet, aka frostbitten, aka eatpoopart, is a new media artist focusing on collaborations, interactive design, animation, & digital tool foundry. Been featured in Times Square (NYC) and Shibuya City (Tokyo)




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24 TEZ

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