by wage_du

Ari's Thread

Ari's Thread

5 October 2022TEZOSIPFS

I side with the idea that we made this reality so weird merely to satisfy our -psychotic- need to overcomplicate things. Not you, of course.

That's why I believe that our choices don't "create our own path" but a maze for others to (try to) solve.
This God or that One or none, the old songs or the new ones, rooting for or against…
The deepest we meet into each other's maze, the more choices we share. Reciprocally, when we lack the interest to explore even a couple of turns, we're but a first impression to each other.

This work examines those ideas by continually presenting options to N individuals and then tracking their choices, which in turn generates different outputs at different depths.

To access them:
- press "S" for story mode, the sequence of choices
- then, press "1" through "5" to change the speed
- press "L" for landscape, the first impression
- press "D" to see the details and view the mazes (may take a while)

Digital artist trying to snatch poetry from the jaws of code




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