what is the land of fires?
written by Genullfromcirci...
Long denounced by many ordinary citizens affected by the serious health consequences of the illegal disposal of toxic waste; the situation is still dealt with by many associations which, together with private citizens, make appeals, exhibits and demonstrations.
There are a series of illegal dumps along the roads and in the open countryside. Every time these landfills fill up, fires are set to dispose of them (hence the wording Land of fires). Most of the waste that is disposed of illegally falls under the so-called special waste.
the continuous illegal disposal of waste, with the relative dispersion of highly harmful substances both in the soil and in the air and the consequent poisoning of the water tables used to irrigate cultivated land, are closely linked to the very high increase in cancer pathologies.
Take care of the Earth and the Earth will take care of you, destroy the Earth and the Earth will destroy you. – Aboriginal proverb