written by Mp.genart Studi...
The aesthetics of the work is inspired by the work of the Brazilian artist DIONISIO DEL SANTO, above all, the formal simplification, the use of geometric figures, in addition to planes and colors, in a simplified way, the work also makes reference to the principles of Concretism, as a movement artistic.
In total, the work has fifteen different color palettes, with percentages of probability of occurrence varying between 2% and 15%.
The images are structured using only three simple shapes (square, rectangle and triangle) proportional to each other. Said shapes can also be rotated and interleaved with empty squares.
The use of each one of the forms follows three different combination patterns, according to the description and percentages of occurrence indicated below:
“+++” – 50% | full square + triangle
“++” – 35% | rectangle + triangle
“+” – 15% | just triangle
One of the rare features, with only a 10% probability, is the occurrence of the inverted color palette, in which the colors of the background, simple shapes and frame, are put in negative.
The background was structured following two possible direction vectors (horizontal – 40% or vertical – 60%).
The canvas can be subdivided following three different modulations, which can be 3X3 (20% chance), 4X4 (45% chance) or 5X5 (35% chance).
Generative token by Paivei made with p5js for FxHash. | e-mail: | discord: paivei#2712