The Tezos Postcard Exhibition
written by gems
Today the Museum of Modern Art in New York launches MoMA Postcard, an experiment in collective creativity built on the Tezos blockchain.
The First 15 artists are a power packed group of digital artists, including Anna Lucia, Casey REAS, Dmitri Cherniak, Grant Riven Yun, Ix Shells, KiM ASENDORF, Linda Dounia, LoVid, Operator, Osinachi, peter burr, p1xelfool, Sarah Friend, Sasha Stiles, and ykxotkx.
The artists created 15 pixel art related postcards, essentially a 10x10 pixel exquisite corpse built for the Web3 space. While these 15 works will not be made available for sale, surely some will shake free when offers get high enough, although they seem to be very personal and important works for the artists that made them.
MoMA Postcard is available for anyone to take part in. Inspired by the 10x10 px works of the First 15, other artists working on the Tezos blockchain can make their own collaborative postcards.
Does the MoMA's decision to create postcards issue in a golden age for postcard collecting on the blockchain?
As large prestigious organizations enter Web3, will the early artists and artworks be protected, preserved, and celebrated?
The Tezos Postcard Exhibition takes a look at some of the early postcard related artworks minted to the Tezos blockchain, both on the objkt and fxhash platforms.
If there is a medium, style, or subject, it's likely that you will be able to find artwork about it on the Tezos blockchain. The following are postcard related artworks that have been minted over the last two years.
This project explores the way personality is visible through handwriting, even when it's unreadable. Five of the nine features concern attributes of writing style.
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Gamble your money by trading crypto on the Swan Ride of the Crypto Crash. Will you make a profit? Or are you collecting art you enjoy?
Postcard by lomz.
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Randomly generated geometric landscapes inspired by Mars.
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This work was made as a part of trying to make misprint effects, while maintaining the square form.
The scene are the flowers and other vegetations. Sometimes the scene will have the rain, snow and other weathers.
The scene was imaged as a form of painting, drawing or pictures on the postcard. So, all of them will have been signed as a loved sign, dusted sign (the spiders will come) and left unsigned.
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This work was made to celebrate the Loy Krathong festival. It's a Thai festival/ritual to thank the goddess of water. The festival takes place on the evening of the full moon of the 12th month in the traditional Thai lunar calendar. People gather around the river, float their Krathong (ritual vessels or lamps) into it. Believing that their bad luck went away with their Krathong.
Once a small fishing village, Kuta has transformed to cater for domestic and international tourists. Mass tourism changed the area to a global village, and acculturation couldn’t be avoided. Even though the local people is regulated by local tradition, the effect of acculturation is evident in their daily life and physical environment. I created this series to document on how the acculturation affect Kuta.
3D model of postcard and original photo. Photo taken in 2018. No copyright infringement intended. Surfer Heading to the Beach at Kuta by Luthfy Prayoga
Thinking of peace today.
Watercolour on card, 14.8 x 10.5 cm, Inv no. 2020116, 2022
This painting on a postcard card, 300 g/m is part of a series begun during Lockdown in the UK. It is painted on a postcard as a metaphor for keeping in touch with friends and family. A way to stay connected during a time of social isolation.
As I begin to mint my full Catalogue Raisonné of artwork on the blockchain I realise that the task ahead will take at least five years even if I mint one every day. Because I am doing this for posterity the initial price will be low and the royalty high. The editions will be low but large enough for some collectors to have the opportunity to collect all of my work. I believe I am the first or one of the first artists to use the blockchain and NFTs as a Catalogue Raisonné.
Hope you are ok.
I've been busy, doing ok.
Autumn with some nice warmer days
trees and leaves in colors
cycling / working
I was on a ferry-boat this late afternoon,
amsterdam-north to the center
and some great clouds. colors and lightning
when the sun went down
and sketching this week ^___^
playing with letters, calligraphy
had a big pile of words for a conceptual work
in the past, I used the source of a program
also for the visuals-text output on the screen
and now was thinking, using this concept text next,
to create- (de)construct a 2D/3D world with it.
But man. words are so 'touchy' and triggering sometimes,
so deleted all offensive, negative, mood-triggering, distracting words, heh..
xxx amsterdam chillout 0__. ^__^
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An apocalyptic series about the non-existing mining exploration in the alps.
PostCardz from the other side.
Wish You Were Here #1 (800x600)
Wish You Were Here is a collection of digital collage postcards created using FlyingColours (1994) on Mac OS 8.
Wish You Were Here #2
Wish You Were Here #3
Wish You Were Here #4
Wish You Were Here #10
Of Teux for my collectors.
Digital Illustration. Third Piece from the Corticosteroid Boy Colletion. 2480 x 3507 px, 2021. By Bofe.
Created As a SPAM ART group Activity Nov. 2020.
Flower postcard by sis_tra.
Felt pen, brush pen, and liner pen on reclaimed cardboard with digital embellishments and color. Mariah says my medication might need to be increased. I would argue that I'm finally BACK! Hooray!!! ---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)
Postal card in glb format. sculpture, painting and glitch made entirely in virtual reality.
I wish everyone good memories of today, every day is a day to build good memories. make good memories.
Web3 can be a place where all artists can flourish, but only if large organizations are respectful of the culture that was built years before they showed up to profit off of.
How much more successful would the MoMA Postcard project have been if important early cultural assets such as 8bidou were included in the process?
When will the MoMA create a wallet and start collecting NFTs?
What artists and artworks will they collect?
Will it be 15 artists, or include a more diverse view of the culturally rich Web3 space?
The 10x10 pixel art medium of the MoMA's project is as important as the decision to use the postcard medium. You can view the 19,000+ early 8-bit cultural gems on 8bidou at or browse on objkt at
Hope you are creating and collecting gems,