The one-year-project

The one-year-project

written by V-G-B

22 Nov 2023414 EDITIONS
0.414 TEZ


This project represents my last year perfectly. At least that's how long it took to get anything finished. Last spring fxhash introduced the fx(params) and I was super stoked about the next Block project about castles. Never finished. Next summer just flew by. Hackathon got me into learning how everything works, left the p5js library out of my project folder. Had a project about blocky landscapes - never finished. The journey was still the best part, actually implemented everything myself, rngs, noise, color space and utility functions.

At the same time been struggling to get the medical care that my mental health needed. Then came september. A four year long fight against burnouts and anxiety got to a turning point - ADHD diagnosis and medication for it. And now suddenly I can get out of the bed, I can try to get forward without the constant fear of failing pushing me down.


Noise I've used on this is a mix of random attractors values and classic perlin noise interpolation. A random value from x,y,z is created with the following calculation:

sin(a + a * (x * x) + a + b * (x * y * z) + b + b * (y * y) + c + c * (z * z))
where a,b,c is a random value from -2 to +6

And then value is interpolated between 8 corners with Smoothstep cubic interpolation. This gives nice noisy areas and sin() circles / diagonals. Colors are presented with CSS lch().

project name project name project name

Tried to learn a bit of perspective calculations and got stuck with the steps. Sometimes they cover the whole flow so you can't get hold off anything. Sometimes they are worn off by previous years of flow.

But still, finally got something finished! Feels good to be back!


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