The incredible adventures of a Test Mandrill
written by PetiShaMiaou
It was supposed to be a generative collection, a SVG file with a C# program that looks at the nodes to change color and switch between objects, really overcomplicated. No fxhash at the time and it was on the harmony chain so they have to be minted one by one.
Since marketplaces on Harmony are more or less dead, their are stuck on the blockchain the contract address is one1hpy7lkvseqqdul4g8gyhppc9tkmrhyvmfhxjx2 if you want to check out.
The first one is TestMandrill #0 (the one in the thumbnail). Just made a Mandrill with a hat, that was the bull market for NFTs, so anything was going to sell, even more when priced 10 ONE.
TestMandrill #1-3 were randomly generated by the program.
One learned the champagne flute dual wielding technique.
A banana how original.
And a smart one preparing the planet of the apes.
TestMandrill #4 was manually crafted to look like Leonardo da Vinci.
#5 Tried to reenact the lion king by taking a random lion cub at the zoo.
TestMandrill #6 was a crypto youtuber in the bull market and tried to promote his coin. It didn't work that well.
TestMandrill #7 cosplay of the famous meme character Sanic.
TestMandrill #8 cosplaying an alternate universe black tipped tail electric mouse.
TestMandrill #9 dressed like Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni the famous renaissance painter. Admire this perfect copy of the "The Creation of Adam" on the wall.
TestMandrill #10 expert in camouflage, was lost for a while, just found it for this article.
TestMandrill #11 : Lost his imaginary part while traveling in the Fourier space.
The pool was going to close at the end of the summer so #12 to #15 decided to go to the last pool party.
But #15 car didn't start and he ate ice cream by himself and made an NFT of it thinking people will be interested watching him eat ice cream, like nobody care #15.
#16 Making a bronze and dressed like the famous sculptor Donato di Niccolò di Betto Bardi.
#17 Late for pool party and too soon for Halloween.
#18 dressed like #18, true Karen, wants to talk to the blockchain manager.
#19 dressed like Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino this time.
#20 Another painter, can't figure out which one.
#21 Learned to fly and to steal dogs, never went to Kansas.
#22 Throws barrels at all mandrills that think they are an Italian painter to test their ninja skills.
#23 Is shilling is own NFT.
#24 Will corect all the typos in the descriptions of all the test mandrills. Doesn't care about blockchain imutability.
#25 Thinks he is from another collection.
#26 Proud to be the first animated test mandrill going on infinite recursion.
#27 Wanted laser eyes like other NFTs and find out they were not practical.
#28 Didn't prepare as well as TestMandrill #17.
#29 First cross chain NFTs. The first part is on Harmony and the second part on Tezos.
TestMandrill #30 bull market was coming to an end, so I had to save on pixels.
TestMandrill #30 Was found on an old vase in Greece, this collection is older than you think. You can find other ancient Greece secrets here.
And TestMandrill #31 better than any other NFT rock.
Or maybe not...