The First Interaction
written by Dazeem Gagaloo
I'm a a profissional coder for web development and came to know about generative art last year. Now that I'm familiar with the space, I felt like I was ready for my first release, inspired in many generative artists of my liking. I decided to go with Tezos blockchain due to the amazing community and the advantages that Tezos has when comparing with the Ethereum chain.
I'll now talk a bit about Fractionay...
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Since ancient times, people have utilized art as a form of expression to express their feelings, thoughts, and beliefs. Art has been used to describe the beauty of the world around us, from the brushstrokes of Leonardo da Vinci's "Mona Lisa" to the intricate intricacies of Michelangelo's David. Fractionary is one such work of art that stands out for its distinctive interpretation of harmony.
When I developed Fractionary, my goal was to assemble a set of rectangular shapes that could be assembled in many ways to produce stunning works of art. Although the rectangles are different shapes, sizes, colors, and textures, they all work together to form a pleasing whole.
Fractionary is stunning because it is so straightforward. When examined closely, one can see the careful planning and attention to detail that have gone into constructing each piece, despite the fact that at first glance it could seem as though the rectangles have been set haphazardly. The colors have been selected to complement one another, and the placement of each rectangle has been carefully considered to produce a visual equilibrium.
Thanks for the support,
Dazeem Gagaloo