The Beauty In Small Things

The Beauty In Small Things

written by r1b2

14 Apr 2023300 EDITIONS
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The algorithm is fairly simple:

The parameters are used to control the number of circles, the ranges for the circles radiuses and points speeds, the X/Y range for the initial circles positions, .... By playing with the parameters, a surprisingly varied range of outputs can be achieved.

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Layout and colors

Lines Drawing

Circles Positioning

Framing and colors processing

Precise control over the final output

A common complaint with fxparams, is that the minted output doesn't look like the one you were seeing while editing. Well, no more ! You now have precise control over the final mint:


The best way to use these parameters is to either:

Once you have some settings you like, randomize the hash value to get a range of outputs, and write down the ones you like best. When you are ready to mint, paste the hash of the best output in "Hash Override", nudge the "Micro Variation" to taste to make sure your output will still be unique, and press Mint !

I will leave you with a few of my favorites minted so far. Keep them coming !

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