The Artverse Cube Pass

The Artverse Cube Pass

written by slagrouv

20 Nov 2022500 EDITIONS


The fxtext article The Artverse.

The fxhash collection Artverse Cube Pass.


Email: slagrouv at protonmail dot com

Cube Customization

The Cube Pass lets you add artworks of your choice to a Cube, and to provide Portals to other cubes. The customization process is very streamlined - you can have a customized Cube up in just a few minutes.

After you purchase your Cube Pass, navigate to the Art Verse. Connect your wallet, and the Artverse will detect any Cube Passes that are in your wallet and let you configure them.

Formats for Referencing fxhash Artworks

The Frames and Billboard sections accept either a slug string or a gentk number which refers to an fxhash artwork. You can get the string or number from the url for the artwok on fxhash.

There are two formats for urls on fxhash, one that uses gentks, and the other that uses slugs. For example, the gentk url for Garden Monoliths #1 is ''. If you wanted to use this artwork in a Frame or Billboard, simply enter the number 145971. The other format url on fxhash uses string slugs, like this one for Garden Monoliths #151 - ''. To add this to a Frame or Billboard, enter garden-monoliths-151.


There are 3 Frames that you can configure. Pick a color and which fxhash artwork you want to include in the frame. See the formats section above to see how to reference fxhash artworks.

The Frame will initially be displayed with the display image of the artwork. Double clicking it will start running the artwork live. This is similar to the 'Run' button in the fxhash UI.


You can also configure up to 18 Billboards with images of fxhash artworks. See the Format section above for how to reference the artworks that you want to add.

The billboard will display the full resolution display image of the related artwork. See the Billboards section in the fxtext article The Artverse for more information about how the images on Billboards work.


There are 9 sections in each Cube, and above each section is a Portal with a small sphere rotating around it. Portals are used to teleport to other Cubes. Double clicking a portal teleports you to the new Cube. As the owner of a Cube, you get to choose the Portal links.

The format for the portals is the slug name of the Cube Pass you want to teleport to, artverse-cube-pass-1, artverse-cube-pass-2, etc.

Navigating to a Cube

To navigate to a specific Cube, enter the url '', where 'artverse-cube-pass-x' is the slug of the cube you want to show. This is the url you can put on twitter or your website to direct everyone to your cube.


The Private Space Pass

This will enable the private space features in your Cube, where you can invite others to connect in a totally private environment. The Private Space Pass includes presence (you can see who is currently in the private space), chat, and 3D spatial voice chat. Anyone can view your Cube, but you have total control over who can use the private space features if you own a Private Space Pass.

Programmatic Control of a Cube

This is a very exciting feature that we are currently using internally. Advances in WebAssembly and other technologies let us include a full python programming environment directly in the browser.

The first customizations allowed will give more control over all visual aspects of your Cube, including more Billboards and other ways to include art. Further enhancements to this feature will allow mini games and other metaverse related activities.

The possibilities for this are endless, and we can't wait to release this feature.

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