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Est tempora vero facere est placeat tempore quos. Consequatur nam deserunt sint nulla magni recusandae ab autem. Voluptas sed incidunt harum necessitatibus porro enim illo. Ab quam commodi veritatis. Dolor iure esse unde sint. Facere reprehenderit nostrum illo temporibus voluptatibus. Vero sapiente sint culpa. Cum rerum aut et.
suscipit animi hic molestias blanditiis repellendus. Impedit vel est dolor autem et molestias assumenda iste. Nobis laboriosam doloribus iusto omnis eum sunt. Ratione ut omnis consequatur minus. Sapiente eum id dolor modi aut voluptatem eligendi. Voluptatibus sint nihil quibusdam quod accusamus et. Perferendis impedit debitis minima culpa sit omnis fuga. Rerum voluptatem est sit. Iusto pariatur qui doloribus et asperiores. Ex sed ullam perferendis nostrum. Aut quas adipisci sed consequatur explicabo ut.
Generative art has a rich history that spans more than five decades, and it has been influenced by a wide range of fields, including mathematics, computer science, and traditional art practices. In recent years, generative art has been featured in major art museums and galleries, including the Museum of Modern Art in New York (MOMA), the Frieze Art Fair in London and more recently Art Basel.
This has brought generative art to a wider audience and has helped to establish it as a legitimate and respected art form, opening up new possibilities for artists. With the continued growth and development of the field, we will see even more exciting milestones in the future.
Generative Art is definitely the art of the 21st century. A genre that combines an intersection of technology and practice, where the traditional limits to explore art are almost terminated.
Our confidence with web3 was (and still is) total, so we decided to open a venue in a virtual world. We chose voxels, a place where everyone can buy land and build on it. Our goal was to involve and welcome as many people as possible, and an open metaverse solved that.
The First Exhibition: for the love of art
At this point we had our venue ready for our first exhibition: "Issue #01 for the love of art" where we were able to showcase the work of , and , three astonishing artists that are now OG's in the generative art ecosystem.
We even threw an inauguration party in our rooftop! Thank you Jigar,, and others for attending that crazy event! Can you picture some generative art degens dancing in the metaverse? If you can't we took screenshots to immortalize the moment. 😂
aquel cartón sobre un motor, años más tarde / i by Marcelo Soria-RodriguezPalazuelo_33107060 by ismahelioY001 by Synesthesia
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Moving on!
After this incredible experience were the venue became one of the most visited in voxels, on April our second exhibition: "Issue #02 Computergrafik" was released. A celebration of the first generative art exhibition by George Ness with , and Aurora.
Issue #02: Computergrafik
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Morgenrot Zephyrus Dawn by Aurora
Red Pill
We welcomed summer with another sensational lineup for "Issue #03: Red Pill": , and Thomas Lin Pedersen. An issue to explore how art faces a revolution that culminates in a decentralised environment with unrestricted access and lack of central authority.
This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill, the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.
One of the hardest things we have to do for each exhibition is to manually select the pieces that will be displayed at the museum. While we love the process of digging into an artist's work, we felt that we were leaving a lot of beauty behind.
That's why we decided that for "Issue #03: Red Pill" the whole museum would be generative, meaning that each day new artwork was be exhibited from the selected collections of the artists, allowing to truly experience randomness and different iterations on each collection, exhibiting more than 1.200 different artworks from our featured artists.
With this exhibition we introduced TGAM Casual Chats, a format where we interview each artist featured on the current exhibition.
"Issue #04: Intersection" was our fourth exhibition with a dream lineup formed by , and . In this issue we explored the intersection of how generative systems creates new forms of art, in combination with mass adoption and digital ownership.
Issue #04: Intersection
Intersection is the place where generative art crosses a rather small ecosystem and grows to a much larger audience in the digitalisation of everything
During 2022, our daily GM tweet relentlessly showed more than 365 artworks from many different artists, promoting new forms of generative art in different contexts and blockchains.
To wrap up the year we presented our fifth exhibition "Issue #05: World Wide Art" with , and . An event where we will keep pushing boundaries and introducing real life experiences to keep spreading the word about generative art.
Issue #05: World Wide Art
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About the TGAM
Welcome to The Generative Art Museum. TGAM is a space in the metaverse dedicated to celebrate and promulgate art made by autonomous systems (non-human) that can independently create artwork.
TGAM is an evolving idea that will challenge our preconception of experiencing, collecting and sharing art. Our goal is to participate in this new era by supporting generative artists in every sense. We will schedule four exhibitions a year: Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter.
Our goal is simple: to spread the word about generative art in all shapes and forms. We embrace any piece where humans interact with automated tools to create unique pieces.
Blockchain has created the perfect playground for a digital renaissance: affordable computers and easy-to-use scripting tools are the icing on the cake for a revolution in the generative art like the world has never seen before. And we are here to talk about it and share this exciting journey.