Synthetic Landscape
Synthetic Landscape or running an Emulator to create an NFT

Synthetic Landscape or running an Emulator to create an NFT

written by neophob

30 Aug 202232 EDITIONS
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I wrote a pinball emulator in JS some time ago - Williams/Bally/Midway pinball games are supported, different displays are supported as well. I really like to uncover what's going on inside those machines - that's why I spend quite some time implementing a nice looking frontend (which is very inspired by the movie Oblivion).

You can explore it yourself, checkout out: https://playfield.dev/

I even build a Twitter Bot that boots a random game, wait some time and then spits out random statistics.

So what does an emulator of a 30 years old pinball machine and a NFT have in common? I'm glad you asked! I build the "Concealed Art" label for exactly this use case:

"Concealed Art" uses retro game consoles, pinball machines and arcade machines as data source and visualize the machines inner working, uncovering beautiful and unexpected patterns which were hidden to the world until now.

Games that were written 30 years ago are used as a source to build a new, interesting representation.

Here are some examples:

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The layout is generated by using subdivision - once created each section contains up to 3 interesting looking "things" over time - memory positions, cpu registers, hardware settings. You can debug the whole process if you press t. If after a certain amount of time not all sections are filled with nice looking data, the machine is rebooted and the whole process starts again.

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