Synesthesia's Christmas Giveaway
written by Oudeis.tez
He doesn't care if you've been naughty or nice,
He just wants to give you a slice
Of Christmas cheer.
But you'll have to work for it. To import and take control of the wallet you'll need to correctly input the seed words in the right order.
Each clue contains two parts of information:
- A clue to the position of the word in the seed phrase (1-24). Essentially any part of the clue that resolves into a number is going to be the position in the phrase
- A clue to the word itself
One of the 25 clues is the password to the wallet so does not appear in the 24 word sequence and has no numeric reference
Google [search, maps, translate] is your friend. I have tried to make it so that you can get to most of the answers with search and deduction skills not just knowledge. However, one of the hardest things to gauge has been trying to figure out whether something is just hard to deduce or whether it will be impossible unless you are in my head. We will find out soon enough.
Spellings are American (because the wallet made it so) and much as I have tried to introduce some points of difference the clues will favour native English speakers, such is the tyranny of language.
The appalling attempt at rhyme and the lack of scansion is all mine - you will discover quite how bad if you chose to read aloud. Have fun with it.
Found in a gown in your possession,
this short word has prime position (3)
The great one off Kanagawa,
in the military’s 11th hour (4)
A Blackjack hustler of note
While playing ate too many mints
It upset her tummy
She lost all her money
And hasn’t dared gamble ….. (5)
0 to F is the numbering system,
to mimic is the relevant dictum (7)
This Henry fought at Agincourt,
where Degens might their NFTs store (5)
Not the horse, in Virgil’s book where Cassandra did prate,
but the animal that forms the Mycenaean gate (4)
“Best-loved” of Athena was wily Odysseus
in Homer’s tale of great Polyphemus (8)
In policy concerning government tax,
The Wise Men were rather prudent chaps (6)
In Yossarian’s paradox float the inflatable
that describes a boat that is hard, not flexible (5)
The number of seas define where,
it goes with work, building and player (4)
A golfer drove off the last tee
Slicing his drive round the bend
The nth time that round
He pounded the ground
Cursing “this is becoming a …..” (5)
Join past or former with where bison roam,
a honeycomb’s cell describes its home (7)
In the century of French playwright Root
inscribe the word to set apart or single out (7)
The Usual ones but singular,
in Shakespeare’s play with Viola (7)
Educators do this so that you can learn,
The Ides of March should be your concern (5)
To escape without a paddle this place is tight,
you’ll need an age, perhaps even a fortnight (5)
Dire French does the sailor utter,
lying ten sheets to the wind in the gutter (3)
The eighth prime goes from soft to hard,
adhesive from the knackers yard (4)
The last cricket batter’s place,
goes with beauty, rhymes with space (5)
Les saisons de Vivaldi donne la place,
du “mont” au dessus un mer de glace (8)
In Malebolge of Dante’s comedy,
place Buzz’s word to exceed infinity (6)
Jimi had one made of sand,
hours in two turns of the clock’s hand (6)
The unluckiest word you will find,
by completing the following rhyme:
There was a young lady called Meghan
Who had an idea of merit
Her only plan
Was to wed a young man
Who was fifth in line to …… (7)
Perfect vision will place the location to sell at strike price without obligation (3)
Go ogle's cartography
trouver let mot de passe
gagner une œuvre de Synesthésie
'cos you know Art Will Save Us (13)
If the prize is not claimed by Christmas day I will tweet further clues @oudeis_tez