Responsive Dreams: Digital Arts Festival - 5/6/7 September, Granollers (Barcelona)
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This year, we continue our celebration of Generative Art, focusing on the fascinating world of art created by code. We are proud to feature six incredible artists from around the globe— Edu Prats, Shaderism, Poperbu, Eliza Struthers-Jobin, Quentin Hocdé and Office CA—who have crafted exclusive projects for the festival. Each piece embodies our ethos of responsiveness, animation, and infinite-loop features, pushing the boundaries of creativity and technology.
During the three-day festival (Thursday, Friday, and Saturday), you can enjoy a variety of activities, including roundtable discussions, project presentations, live coding performances, DJ sets, and a special workshop introducing kids to coding. Full schedule here.
In detail:
→ Anna Lucia will present Oefenstof, a continuous project in which Anna creates embroidered works of fabric based on an artistic algorithm of her own design.
→ Mek/hno will be doing live pen plotting of his project Pols Creatiu, where the concept of a central pulsating force and generative motion is an image rooted in cosmogony and hermeticism, as explored by Alicia in her book.
→ Andreas Rau will showcase Klangteppich #01, a multisensory experience that invites the viewer to touch, see and listen. 100 jacquard-woven pieces accompanied by live-generated visuals and music.
→ Mas Geli and Lars Wander will showcase La Gran Nit, where generative art meets wine.
→ Anna Lucia and Kyra Orbons will be doing live generative tattoos with {yes, yes, no, yes}.
→ DJ sets by Spacer, David Lost, DJ Kosmos, Donqui, Takk Iori, Lauseek, Obak, Dum Dum and Munro Leaf.
→ Live Coding by Turbulente, Eloi el Bon Noi, QBRNTHSS, Xiwire and Shannax.
→ Lives by Balago, Ocult-ment, Bee Boys and NICZ9.
Featured Artists
→ Edu Prats
Edu Prats is a creative tech director & developer working at the intersection of generative systems, realtime graphics & interaction for installations and the web. He was an active member in the the creative coding scene of the early 2000s writing code sketches and tools for realtime AV pieces using Macromedia Director & Flash (Lingo and Action Script), Processing (Java) and OpenFrameworks or Cinder (C++ and OpenGL).
In the past 15 years most of Edu’s work was crafted using modern web technologies (HTML5, Canvas & WebGL) and Unreal Engine for a few projects. His interest in 3D graphics has pushed him to learn a little bit of Blender and Houdini in the recent years, experimenting with the crossovers between realtime and offline rendering. He was one of the founding members and part of the curatorial team of Resonate Festival in Serbia, involved from 2012 till 2016 during the first 5 editions of the festival. Resonate brought together world class artists to drive a forward-looking debate on the position of technology in art and culture.
Past work collaborations include studios such as B-REEL, FIELD, onformative, Hi-Res! and Nexus Interactive, brands like Google, Samsung, Adidas, CNN or IBM, and music artists including Arcade Fire, The xx and Gorillaz. He participated in lectures, workshops and events including Sónar+D, OFFF, Transmediale & Music Hack Day.
In 2022, he founded Fil Studio, a digital production lab building immersive interactive experiences using their own custom self-developed tools.
→ poperbu
Jordi Sala Serra (aka Poperbu), 1979, Mataró (Barcelona), is a computer network engineer and artist. Member of and researcher/hacker/maker, his work revolves around open technologies, both hardware and software, and how to relate them to each other.
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The last two years he has focused on generative art (visual and sound). He has developed and participated in several projects, having used different types of data (from Twitter tweets to electroencephalographic signals) to treat them, analyze them, in some cases applying Machine Learning and/or Artificial Intelligence techniques to in order to make a visual and/or sound representation of it. Some of the technologies he works with most often: Pure Data, Arduino, Raspberry-Pi, Processing, MAXMSP, analog and digital synthesizers, javascript, python, Chuck, audacity, R and C#.
→ Eliza Struthers-Jobin
Eliza is an artist and programmer from Montreal, Canada, currently based in Paris, France.
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Fascinated by the influence that programming and algorithmic thinking have on the creative process, Eliza Struthers-Jobin has been creating artwork with code since 2015. Her work is experimental, mediative and rythmic, motivated by a continuous cycle of exploration and unexpected discovery.
Imagining the hidden spaces that exist in the overlap between here and there, IRL and URL, the idea of transposing participants into parallel digital spaces in real-time, provide constant inspiration. How does it feel to be in two places at once? How can you feel something you can't quite touch?
Eliza collaborates with fellow artists, studios as well as brands creating works for festivals, shows, and to showcase new and emerging technologies. She also mentors and teaches workshops on such topics as shaders, generative art, real-time graphics & sound programming techniques, and creative applications of AI. Eliza holds a DEC in Film Studies from Dawson College, a Bachelor's in Communications & Journalism from Concordia University, and a Masters in New Media, Web & the Arts from Université de Paris. She is a self-taught programmer.
Eliza works with a variety of tools & languages including:Touch Designer, GLSL, Unity, Unreal Engine, React Three Fiber, ThreeJS, Processing (Java), Ableton
→ Quentin Hocdé
Quentin Hocdé is a generative artist who enjoys capturing and reimagining natural phenomena with a technological twist.
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He creates compositions that reveal the hidden magic of natural elements, such as wind, oceans and mountains, while adding a technological touch with animation and randomness.
His goal is to inspire a new appreciation of nature and technology by merging them in artworks created with code.
→ Office CA
office ca is a design research collaborative led by Galo Canizares and Stephanie Sang Delgado that investigates alternate methods for art and architectural practice.
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Through art installations, designed objects/spaces, and interactive media, our projects play with and address the complex forces that shape contemporary culture. Some recurring themes of the practice include absurdity, genre fiction, conspiracy theories, world-making, storytelling, simulation, and the parafictional.
Stephanie Sang Delgado (she/her) is an architect and Assistant Professor at Kean University in the School of Public Architecture at the Michael Graves College. She is the co-director of office ca, an experimental collaborative practice. Her research focuses on how architectural scale interfaces create new fictions and realities through subtle and overt manipulations of building components. She also researches food, its colonial legacy, and the cultural value of food images. Stephanie holds an M.Arch from The Ohio State University, and a B.A. in Architectural Studies from Ithaca College, where she was an MLK Jr. Scholar.
Galo Canizares (he/him) is currently Assistant Professor of Architecture at the University of Kentucky’s College of Design. He researches the socio-technical networks of relations between design’s softwarization and the architectural imagination. He is the author of Digital Fabrications: Designer Stories for a Software-Based Planet, a collection of essays on software and design. He co-directs office ca, a research and design collaborative that investigates alternate methods for architectural practice. He holds a Master of Architecture from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a Bachelor of Environmental Design from the College of Architecture and Planning at the University of Colorado, Boulder.
The Venue
In 2024 the festival will be located in Roca Umbert Fàbrica de les Arts in Granollers (Barcelona), a venue with a lot of tradition in art events that provide a unique and phantastic space to celebrate our festival. The origin of the Roca Umbert company dates back to 1871, where Josep Umbert i Ventura (1844-1917) set up a textile factory. Industrial growth and the rapid consolidation of the Catalan textile sector tripled the company's production in a short time. Due to its excellent location and the presence of cheap labor, in 1904 he decided to install one of the first warehouses in Granollers, the one we know today as the Roca Umbert factory, with the aim of making the integral treatment of cotton. There were more than 400 looms in the facilities and over time services were added, such as the dyeing section or the finishing section. With the death of the founder in 1917, his relatives continued to manage and own the company. Throughout these years, Roca Umbert has suffered several episodes such as the destruction of a large part of the facilities at the end of the Civil War, in 1939, the business expansion of the 1950s or the crisis in the textile sector of the 70s. In January 2003, the Granollers City Council Plenary approved the Use Plan for the Roca Umbert project as an arts factory and in November 2004 the Architectural Master Plan was approved. Both documents have been the road map that has been guiding the rehabilitation of the 21,000 m2 that Roca Umbert currently has, towards a new center of contemporary creation.
→ Instagram: @responsivedreams
About The Generative Art Museum
The Generative Art Museum (TGAM) is non-profit organisation based in Barcelona dedicated to celebrate and promulgate art made by autonomous systems (non-human) that can independently create artwork.
TGAM is an evolving idea that will challenge our preconception of experiencing, collecting and sharing art. Our goal is to participate in this new era by supporting generative artists in every sense by spreading the word about generative art in all shapes and forms. We embrace any piece where humans interact with automated tools to create unique artworks.
Blockchain has created the perfect playground for a digital renaissance: affordable computers and easy-to-use scripting tools are the icing on the cake for a revolution in the generative art like the world has never seen before. And we are here to talk about it and share this exciting journey.