Real estate agents hate it! Get a cheap mansion with this simple trick
written by PetiShaMiaou
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So yes, I really wanted to do a clickbait title. I already did an article where I change the size of the matrix to get silly results, but this one will tell more about the story behind the mansions.
Fun Facts
The mansion is made of 6 columns that have a random height between 2 and 6, roof included. That generates 15625 configurations possible. On the 1024 editions, one configuration appeared 3 times -3-4-5-3-6-5- but each ended up with a different base material.
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If there were only 2 possibilities for the tiles of the 8x8 matrix that compose the image. That would made 18 446 744 073 709 551 616 combinations. There is in reality much more but it's hard to get the actual number because I am lazy.
The row with the grass generates 184 320 possibilities by itself.
There is 4 kinds of materials, stone, red brick, wood and gold. Gold is the rarest and the others are balanced.
The is a night/day cycle and I wonder how many people don't know about it because they didn't read the instruction in the description.
The Guests
The peasant and the werewolf
The peasant is the most common guest, but he has a dark secret, during the full moon he changes into a werewolf.
The werewolf has a 1.7% chance to happen and he is one of the most rare (equal with the ghost) guest. So we have to wait for the edition #1 to have one.
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The Deceased and Ghost
One of the rarest with the Werewolf. Same than for the peasant the tombstone starts to react during the new moon night.
The first ghost appears at #158.
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This character is close related to Rapunzel or maybe it's just Rapunzel with a typo and I just noticed now, whatever. First appear at edition #6.
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She can't escape the tower but at night...
On the highest tower we can get 4 extra guests. The party is then big enough to play all kind of board games.
The Ninja
Barely visible for the first time in edition 41.
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He is in fact more visible at night like all ninjas.
The Ape
First appearance in edition #17.
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He is fluorescent, don't know why. Maybe to much bananas with potassium 40 with double beta decay.
So that's it. You know almost everything about the 2D mansion project.