Est tempora vero facere est placeat tempore quos. Consequatur nam deserunt sint nulla magni recusandae ab autem. Voluptas sed incidunt harum necessitatibus porro enim illo. Ab quam commodi veritatis. Dolor iure esse unde sint. Facere reprehenderit nostrum illo temporibus voluptatibus. Vero sapiente sint culpa. Cum rerum aut et. Minima suscipit animi hic molestias blanditiis repellendus. Impedit vel est dolor autem et molestias assumenda iste. Nobis laboriosam doloribus iusto omnis eum sunt. Ratione ut omnis consequatur minus. Sapiente eum id dolor modi aut voluptatem eligendi. Voluptatibus sint nihil quibusdam quod accusamus et. Perferendis impedit debitis minima culpa sit omnis fuga. Rerum voluptatem est sit. Iusto pariatur qui doloribus et asperiores. Ex sed ullam perferendis nostrum. Aut quas adipisci sed consequatur explicabo ut.
Aut quas adipisci sed
Est tempora vero facere est placeat tempore quos. Consequatur nam deserunt sint nulla magni recusandae ab autem. Voluptas sed incidunt harum necessitatibus porro enim illo. Ab quam commodi veritatis. Dolor iure esse unde sint. Facere reprehenderit nostrum illo temporibus voluptatibus. Vero sapiente sint culpa. Cum rerum aut et.
suscipit animi hic molestias blanditiis repellendus. Impedit vel est dolor autem et molestias assumenda iste. Nobis laboriosam doloribus iusto omnis eum sunt. Ratione ut omnis consequatur minus. Sapiente eum id dolor modi aut voluptatem eligendi. Voluptatibus sint nihil quibusdam quod accusamus et. Perferendis impedit debitis minima culpa sit omnis fuga. Rerum voluptatem est sit. Iusto pariatur qui doloribus et asperiores. Ex sed ullam perferendis nostrum. Aut quas adipisci sed consequatur explicabo ut.
Not being as confident a collector on fxhash I headed there early on in my collecting to see what I could get while I still had plenty of budget remaining
This was fun because I mostly collected what jumped out at me irrespective of who I knew, and followers
First piece on fxhash that jumped out at me was the "Circle Study" project that was still minting out from
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Loved the juxtaposition of light & dark with soft pastel squares and the "pattern with meaning" in 's "Day by Day"
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I thought this edition from 's "Reflections" project paired well with the dark backgrounded edition I had just collected
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I simply can't resist a good forest green piece so this edition of "citylines" from offering me some #NFTNYC nostalgia had to go in the collection
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Returning to the familiar at this point I pivoted back to objkt and started browsing the mints & items collected by those who'd collected my recent 1 tez OE
had a photography manipulation with built in objkt nostalgia so this #objkt4objkt mint was an instascoop
A silver lining of this price challenge has been to clean up some heinously low relisted pieces and none more true than this awesome owl collected from @Ambi_eth with @ExilesProject22
Honestly, it's so good I'm going to scoop another right now
Everything's better on #tezos and meme coins are no different. With the emergence of @TezosPepe and the uses behind it I knew I had to get a Pepe piece in the collection
Fortunately @DannyG1979 had this pixel guy for a steal
"PEPE 2 - Punk AF" ~
I've never seen anything like posting an entire twitter space on-chain but leave it to to make a statement! (mp3 attached in listing)
Everyone I know was so dismayed about the Sotheby's glitch fiasco so owning this piece feels like a piece of protest history
"All-Male Glitch Art Show" ~ (click thru for mp3)
Another statement piece from a pillar of the #tezos community comes from
With commentary on the royalties crisis over on ETH this was an easy scoop for the #5tezcollection
"F*** OPENSEA - Support Artists" ~
To avoid losing readers at this point, I'll refer back to my Twitter thread which will include every piece collected for the competition.
For receipts, artists name and clickable links to each piece check out my simple Google sheet I used to track spending.
Keep supporting one another, experimenting and working to keep Tezos the best NFT ecosystem going <3 PapaBearded