written by P1x3lboy
01 Sep 2022200 EDITIONS
What has P1xelboy been up to?
Work has just been completed on project I have been planning and developing for some time. The new project is titled Treasured Rug on goes live on FXHash today:
by username username
project name project name project name
I recently celebrated 1 year in the NFT space by dropping a handful of works on Teia
You can see my FXhash works here: https://www.fxhash.xyz/u/P1x3lboy
What is coming up next?
Next up is a project I have created in P5 with an algorithm for making striped pixels enter a void.
There are a handful of other projects I am part way through, so Autumn is a chance for me to plan more staged releases of my work.
How can I find official P1xelboy links?
I mostly use Twitter
The rest of my links are on LinkTree