Yazid NFT Generative Art Osos


written by The Dirty Olive

08 Sep 20222422 EDITIONS
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Being an OG sort of bear, Haji caught on to Yazid's work on fxhash early. He collected and foolishly sold several Hashed Arcs as he was trying to make a few tezzitos to buy his girlfriend a gift for their 5th anniversary. Hashed Arcs still tantalize him to this day. Be careful. You might get sniped by Haji!

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After a few weeks I remember going on a Tezos binge on fxhash. I used up all my funds and went into a deep hibernation. That day, when I was sleeping, Hashed Cities dropped. A very special project in the same vein as Hashed Arcs! Many of the Hashed Cities remind me of my hometown and the beautiful skyline of Bandar Seri Begawan in Brunei.

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Lastly, I'd like to share a collaboration piece that is a personal favorite. It is (Kinder)Garden, Monuments #2. Yazid and Zancan teamed up to produce this piece in April, 2022. As a osito, I used to play with blocks in the garden near my house and this takes me back to those sacred days of childhood.

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Here is a little music about youth to go with the Kinder piece. I hope you like it. Love from Haji.

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