A total of 12 artists saw a significant increase in sales after participating in #fxhashturnsone:
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"Enfantines II. Enfantillages Pittoresques" sells for 24 tez (Dutch Auction) with 439 minted
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The only one who burnt #fxhashturnsone works | Have one of the most extreme growth in sales, 24 tez (Dutch Auction) with 300 minted
Diego Pintos
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"d/e/m/boss invaders" sells for 3 tez (Dutch Auction) with 256 minted
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"Udnē" sells for 60 tez with 600 minted
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"Univercell" sells for 24 tez with 120 minted | Some royalties of three works are for minters
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"Levitation" sells for 7 tez (Dutch Auction) with 256 minted | 99% of 1st sales from "Capture" was donated
Murat Atimtay
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"Florescence" is a collaboration work, 20 tez (Dutch Auction) with 350 minted
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"Splinter" sells for 6 tez (Dutch Auction) with 300 minted
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"New Year's Chandelier" sells for 1 tez (Dutch Auction) with 100 minted | The other two works have not fully minted yet
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"Voyage" sells for 48 tez (Dutch Auction) (not fully minted yet)
revdancatt ( has two #fxhashturnsone works, but we only choose one )
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"10PRINT - Example" sells for 0 tez | 100% of 1st sales from "BRTLSMBRTHDY" was donated
Thomas Noya
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"a fortiori" is a collaboration work (15 tez, 500 minted)
Roughly the Same
A total of 6 artists did not show much obvious difference in their sales after participating in #fxhashturnsone. However, subsequent works usually sell slightly better than previous ones:
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60% of 1st sales & royalties from "Fragment of Time" was donated | 20% of royalties from the other works are for minters
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50% of 1st sales from "celebration!" was donated to "Savepakistan"
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Lammetje usually put in some reserves for holders of latest projects
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"Blind Gallery Club Membership" is a collaboration work which sells for at least 100 tez (Dutch Auction)
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100% of 1st sales & 50% royalties from "Fx(hash) Generative Birthday Candle" was donated (not fully minted yet)
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All three works sells for 1 tez | "Circular Growth" & "Energy Flow" have not fully minted yet
Significant Decline
A total of 7 artists saw a significant decline in sales after participating in #fxhashturnsone , most of them for special reason. Therefore, their sales position was underestimated:
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100% of 1st sales from "空-sora-" was donated to "Processing Foundation" | "Fractal Amoeba" sells for 0 tez
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“FAT Christmas” is a collaboration of 5 artists with some parts contributed by mido
Orr Kislev
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"Celebration" is for celebrating Orr Kislev's wife is pregnant, thus sells for 0 tez
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"The City" is a collaboration work which sells for at least 33 tez (Dutch Auction)
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100% of 1st sales from "Lory" was donated to "Processing Foundation" | "RE/Posizioni" sells for 0 tez
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100% of 1st sales from "(dis)Mantle" was donated to "Savepakistan" (20 tez, 249 minted)
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About 40~50% of 1st sales & royalties from "Misunderstanding" & "Connect-us" was donatedfeedback