near death experience
out of body experience


written by Fiat MoneyEater

31 Aug 2022999 EDITIONS


Today I am 55 years old and I have already lived an eventful life. I live in the heart of Europe, surrounded by beautiful fauna and flora and can not imagine a more beautiful place in which to grow up. I have a completed vocational training as a machinist behind me and have worked until 2007 mainly as a plant assembler on assembly at home and abroad.

My life was relatively "normal" until 2007, but I was always a critic of injustice. Also I was never stingy or particularly egoistic. When I could help I helped, when I liked a cause I donated to it, and when I was asked for advice I did my best. In some strange way everything I gave always came back to me. Only I was not aware of this until a few years ago.

I have already mentioned the year 2007 twice because it was the year that my life took a 180° turn. As I said, I was working as a plant assembler when I had a serious accident at work on 04 Sept. I fell 16 m into the depth during an assembly of a passenger elevator. I did not survive this accident. At least at times. Hmmm how should I understand this now you will ask yourself?

When the assembly scaffolding in the elevator shaft began to break under the heavy load of the motor and us two assemblers, I "slipped" out of my physical body. Yes that may amaze many and many again not. Up to this time I also did not know that it is possible that one can also exist and/or live without a body. I was outside of my body and saw the world as I have never seen it before. In this state there are colors that can not be described with earthly words. I saw my body lying in the elevator shaft below, but had no special connection to it. Also, in this state, I could grasp all the words, thoughts, and emotions that were all around me on this construction site. I was not surprised that I could do that. At this point it felt like it was the most normal thing in the world to "received" or receive thoughts and emotions.

But that was still not what changed my life after this accident, but in this dimension there was a love that is impossible to describe with earthly words. Since that time I no longer believe in a life after physical death, but I know it. Just like many thousands of people who were allowed to make a similar experience. Since then I fear neither death nor anything else here on this earth. It is an indescribable feeling to be able to live like this. Only many years later I realized what a gift this experience was for me. However, this also had its dark sides.

I spoke before that I was allowed to experience a love in this state that is indescribable, and yet was just as strong as I could have endured at that time. It is indescribable. My whole body starts to shake every time I remember it, and there is almost no day that I don't do that. About 2 years after this accident I became depressed. I no longer saw any point in existing in this body in the world. I had such a great longing for this infinite unconditional love as you could not imagine. I saw so much suffering, pain and despair on this earth, I didn't want to be here anymore. At that time I also did many experiments on myself how to get back into this out-of-body state. Yes, this may also surprise some readers of these lines now. Yes, this is also possible. By means of meditation. I have been meditating for many years using binaural beats to tune my brain to a frequency where it is possible to consciously exit the physical body.

In such a meditation I had a contact with a being who warned me urgently and sharply that I should not occupy myself with such thoughts anymore. I survived this accident only because I still have a task here and now. I would destroy all the progress I have made as an immortal soul in this incarnation with one blow and I would have to try again in a new life here on this earth.

This is the first part of my biography which I would like to make accessible to as many people as possible and this is for all times now thanks to WEB 3.0 even anchored in the BC.

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