

written by Jonathan Barbea...

17 Mar 202332 EDITIONS
0.5 TEZ


A bit of background

Happy Friday, everyone! This post will be brief as I've had a hectic couple of weeks juggling work and art creation. As a result, I haven't been able to complete my next in-depth article on my creative process. However, this hard work has paid off, as I'll be releasing my second long-form project on fx(hash) this Monday!

Titled "Never Stop Never Stopping," this project pays tribute to the comical film Popstar. Initially scheduled for release in early February, I wasn't satisfied with the final outcome and invested more time refining it. Perfectionism can be challenging, but I'm thrilled with the current version, so let's celebrate!

The concept originated from Genuary Day 11, inspired by Suprematism—an abstract art movement founded by Russian artist Kazimir Malevich in 1915. Characterized by basic geometric shapes like squares, circles, and rectangles, and a limited color palette featuring bold primary colors alongside black and white, Suprematism aimed to express the purest form of visual aesthetics. It prioritized the supremacy of pure artistic feeling over representational imagery.

The movement significantly influenced modern art and design, especially in Russia and Eastern Europe, and continues to impact various art forms such as architecture, graphic design, and fashion.

Suprematist Composition (blue rectangle over the red beam) by Kazimir Malevich
Suprematist Composition (blue rectangle over the red beam) by Kazimir Malevich

The process from start to finish

Here is my output from Genuary:

It’s simple but the placement and composition where random so I had both really good outputs but also really bad ones like these:

After being stuck for a while I decided to try and use texture on the shapes but also add collision detection so no shapes would be overlapping which in itself is a bit of a departure from the original Suprematism style.

I then added back the lines and the circles and fine tuned the textures a bit and was satisfied with the whole thing. I’m so ready to release it.


Never Stop Never Stopping" is set to release on Monday, March 20th at 12:00 PM EST (Eastern Time). A limited run of 32 editions will be available for minting at a price of 32 XTZ each.

Discover the project by visiting:

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