m a n i f e s t o

m a n i f e s t o

written by theseed

05 Sep 2022500 EDITIONS

(ZERO) Kindness — This foundational principle is numbered zero, the number before numbers. It points to the blank canvas, or the blank page of the artist. As we contemplate unformed potential, we ground ourselves in kindness and refine our intention to create and to share the beauty created by others in our community. Zero evokes The Fool card in the Tarot, which signifies the richness of new beginnings.

(Alpha) Experimentation — *the seed* is an experimental endeavor. We have learned that the price of creative alchemy is fearlessness in the face of making mistakes and the deliberate renunciation of perfectionism as a crutch. We live by the words of Voltaire: Perfect is the enemy of good.

(Beta) Gaia — We understand that humans are Nature and that a holistic relationship with the Earth is necessarily steeped in awe and reverence. In acknowledgement of our interconnection with deep ecological forces we have elected to mint our work on the Tezos blockchain.

(Gamma) Humor — Aristotle taught us that: Wit is educated insolence. While celebrating Art in all its forms, we reserve the right to be lighthearted and also irreverent, while never purposefully being disrespectful of others.

(Delta) No isms — *the seed* is apolitical and weary of all ideologies, be they religious, political, sociocultural, scientific or otherwise.

(Epsilon) Code Agnostic — *the seed* is resonant with Sol LeWitt’s assertion that: Ideas are works of Art. From this follows that there is no single superior medium in Art, nor is there one coding language (also a medium) which is better than another.

(Zeta) Embodiment — We are grateful for the gifts of the mycelial-like interconnectedness of the blockchain and the emergence of decentralized communities and subcultures. We recognize that we remain embodied, vibrational beings. We fully embrace Web3 but not at the expense of our physicality.

(Omega) Honoring Our Roots — We give thanks to all the artists, living or deceased, who have paved the way for us. We remain especially committed to discovering and honoring the voices of artists who have been silenced, for any number of antiquated reasons.

(ONE) Inclusivity — One marks the boundary at the other end of the continuum created with Zero. Between zero and one there exists an infinite number of possibilities. *the seed* celebrates diversity in every possible way, with an emphasis on artists who identify as women, as they are vastly underrepresented in the generative art space.

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