Joy (is) in the making I

Joy (is) in the making I

written by markLandson

13 Oct 202275 EDITIONS
0.01 TEZ

Here I am. "Who?" you might ask. Not even I can answer that question accurately as most of my self-recognised value comes from my ingenuity and inexperience.

Nonetheless, there is some boring (or not so boring) information about me that I can share: I'm a young man who, a year ago, had never heard or read snippets such as print("Hello World") or function draw() {}. Probably thought that programming languages were so complex and so different from each other, separated by giant oceans of terms and syntax, much like usual communicational languages, so strenuous that just a very experienced expert in the field could learn one in less than a year.

I can say that the feeling of learning and comprehending something new must be one of the most interesting ones. Understanding a set of abstract concepts, created by humans, for humans, and making a concrete reality come to life deriving out of these building blocks: the wonders of coding.

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The Beginning

“Every day I feel is a blessing from God. And I consider it a new beginning. Yeah, everything is beautiful.”

- Prince

It started when I got to a stage where I felt stationary related to other people my age. The desire to do something productive had grown within me, seeing others spending time with hobbies and sports. Wondering why I was so empty I decided to start learning Python and, months later, Web Development.

I started learning the basics at an appreciable rate. In the meantime, a friend of mine, who had previously introduced me to NFTs in other blockchains, showed me the Tezos world for the first time.

Never had I imagined NFTs were thriving this much in the coding spectrum. I stood amazed at the valorization of art which I could actually feel connected with. Generative art made me feel like the drawing and painting skills I always dreamed to have but always felt disappointed for not having, were finally accessible. It was an opportunity, it was a rebirth.

And so my adventure began.

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The First Creation

“In a time of destruction, create something.”

― Maxine Hong Kingston

My first project in fxhash was Risky Celebration using PureSpider's template for PFP. It was simple in design and simple in its charm. Naivety is where its beauty stems from, I believe. The genuine will to feel and make others feel.

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Is amusing remembering the times I first created art by Image Composition and feeling like I was Lunarean. Never did I assume that months later I'd be interpreting his work and actually understanding what he achieved through his code, thanks to Kaloh and his engrossing article.

This community is so reassuring to create with. Its well-curated interior makes for an optimal source for admiration of exterior characteristics such as beauty. There's a natural affability when it comes to new artists whose eager necessities of learning are met with unprecedented assistance by veterans.

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The World Awaits You

"He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life."

- Muhammad Ali

Soon I started learning how to use p5.js to produce what I believed was something worth admiring. I made my first Javascript project, compressing the files myself, without even knowing the existence of a boilerplate.

Dots in the Rain was then born. A fairly attractive grid system where the palettes were the most notorious innovation of mine. However, that's a subject for another occasion. The importance of this work for me was the maturing of my skills, to bring a sense of color, shape, composition and equilibrium. Although it might look simplistic, it represents the art I longed to make for so long.

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And so I stand here today, mostly undiscovered, wondering (and wandering) in the keys of my keyboard, less than 24 hours for Felicity to come alive in the hands of minters, hopefully.

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My love for it comes from the fact that it made me stay awake hours into the dawn to do something I truly enjoyed. It plays with the shapes and colors of a master to represent the nostalgia of being a child. It is warm and cold, dark and bright, it feels fresh and old, it feels.

One of my first apreciated sketchs in this project.
One of my first apreciated sketchs in this project.
Very colorful, I like it.
Very colorful, I like it.
This could've been the thumbnail. Too bad!
This could've been the thumbnail. Too bad!

Now it's time to conclude. I hope you enjoyed reading this article (as much as I liked writing it) and would sincerely want to hear your thoughts on this (or anything else, really). If you wish to contact me feel free to do it via Twitter. Once again, I'm new so take it easy on me. I'm learning and would love to do so with you, fellow members of this grand community.

Best regards,

Mark, 2022

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