javascript creative coding 01

javascript creative coding 01

written by Elout de Kok

01 Feb 2023256 EDITIONS

lets start with a simple index.html file

<!-- text and commenting in html: use  < ! -- and  -- > without spaces
first test  <p>start of a paragraph <br> line break / <b> bold  -->



<br> - my fist html page - 
<br> but no code at all yet!



001. Copy the code, in a 'plain' text-editor ( I use the notepad ++ myself ) and save it as like index01.html - and open/run it in a browser

html is like this text, that you can give all fancy colors, sizes, with tags <b>this is bold</b>

the <br> tag is a linebreak


my first javascript. Copy the code and save it like index02.html. and run-open it in a web-browser!


<script> // with 2 // you can comment in your javascript code


var a=4; // I have an 'a' with 4
var b=5; // I have a 'b' with 5
var c=a+b; // I add a and b, and put the result in 'c'

alert('hiyaa.. 4+5 is like: ' + c);  // and show some text, and c in an alert window-pop-up

// never forget to close it as well!


002. The alert gives like a pop-up window, you can output some text. and I do my first calculation

next setting up the basics for my javascript template


//--------------javascript start------------------
// also changed the script now to the top of the page
// inbetween head and /head !!!!

//----------- window events --- 
window.addEventListener('load',mywindow_page_loaded, false );

// this sets an window event listener in javascript - 

// it looks technical; but it's just simple/default 'browser' tech
// for this case: when the page gets loaded, it will jump to the routine 
// mywindow_page_loaded()

// I use eventlisteners - for like checking the windowsize, mouse, touch and keyboard input
// this is default 'tech' -> the browser needs when windows-actions changes

// now  handle those events
// is the page loaded for the first time? then do this function!!
function mywindow_page_loaded() 

	var a=5; // I have an 'a' with 4
	var b=15; // I have a 'b' with 5
	var c = a + b; // I add a and b, and put the result in 'c'

	// I added a and b not as text, but as like a variable,
	// if I change it above; it also will show in the 'my_text' variable
	var my_text =  "Adding "+  a + " and "+ b + " gives me "+ c;




003. I will setup the basics of my javascript template next. the windows.event looks complicated tech, but it's needed for like when I do interactions with the screen, get the mouse position, window scale, keyboard etc. etc. then I need

For this example, I use a windows event, when the page gets loaded!


<script>  //--------------javascript start------------------

//----------- window events --- 

// jump to mywindow_page_loaded when the page is loaded
window.addEventListener('load',mywindow_page_loaded, false ); // ! default browser tech! call the function  mywindow_page_loaded

// page loaded? do this function; you can give it other names as well!!
function mywindow_page_loaded() 
	var a=5; // I have an 'a' with 4
	var b=15; // I have a 'b' with 5
	var c = a + b; // I add a and b, and put the result in 'c'

	var my_text =  "Adding "+  a + " and "+ b + " gives me "+ c;
	// you can use javascript to write and change the html! - 
	document.getElementById('infoblock').innerHTML = my_text; // ! default browser tech! to select my div containers etc.
	// In the body on the bottom I declared this  div 'container' 
	// and gave it a name; an id called --> !!!!!!! 'infoblock' !!! 
	// and next I use javascript, to select that block and write into it! 



<div id="infoblock">0__.</div>


004. Here I added a new div container in the html part, and use javascript next to write and change the text of the html page.


<script>  //javascript start

//----------- window events --- 
// jump to mywindow_page_loaded when the page is loaded
window.addEventListener('load',mywindow_page_loaded, false );

// page loaded? do this function!!
function mywindow_page_loaded() 

	// you can use javascript to write and change the html!
	document.getElementById('infoblock').innerHTML = 'page loaded - next draw in my canvas';
	// I added a canvas as well, I want to get creative! - I also gave it my own name called 'my_canvas'
	var canvas = document.getElementById("my_canvas"); // select the canvas with the name 'my_canvas'!
	var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"); // browser tech - this is how it's done, I didnt made this up myself!
	ctx.font = "30px Arial"; // font size
	ctx.fillText("Hiiyyaaaa", 30, 50); // text, x,y 
	ctx.strokeText("yooz!", 60, 100); // outline text x,y



<div id="infoblock">0__.</div>

<canvas id="my_canvas">- needs a javascript enabled browser to see the drawing-animation!-</canvas>


005. Ok want to get creative next. Added also a 'canvas' with the id 'my_canvas'

and can use javascript to write and draw in it as well!



 <!-- css stylesheet -->
<style type="text/css">
	/*  background color  #rgb   you can do like 907070 or 977  just a bit more red, then green and blue*/
	background-color: #977;	
	/* these numbers are in hexadecimal! see photoshop-gimp for hex colors incase! #ffffff is white!*/

	margin:	0;padding: 0; 	
	font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; color: #ffffff;  

/* my info block*/
	background-color: #555;

	background-color: #ccc;

	position: absolute;  
	max-height: 100%; max-width: 100%;
	object-fit: contain;
	top: 50%; left: 50%;
	transform: translate(-50%, -50%); 	

<script>  //javascript start

//----------- window events --- 
// when the page is loaded
window.addEventListener('load',mywindow_page_loaded, false );

// page loaded? do this function!!
function mywindow_page_loaded() 

	// you can use javascript to write and change the html!
	document.getElementById('infoblock').innerHTML = 'page loaded - next draw in my canvas';
	var canvas = document.getElementById("my_canvas"); // select the canvas with the name 'my_canvas'!
	var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"); // browser tech - this is how it's done, I didnt made this up myself!
	ctx.font = "30px Arial"; // font size
	ctx.fillText("Hiiyyaaaa", 30, 50); // text, x,y 
	ctx.strokeText("yooz!", 60, 100); // outline text x,y



<div class="info_css" id="infoblock">0__.</div>

<canvas class="canvas_css" id="my_canvas">- error message: - needs a javascript enabled browser to see the drawing-animation!-</canvas>


006. Added a css stylesheet; where you can set the html background colors etc. so I can see the different blocks; give them different colors. and do positioning!



 <!-- css stylesheet -->
<style type="text/css">
	/*  background color  #rgb   you can do like 907070 or 977  just a bit more red, then green and blue*/
	background-color: #977;	
	/* these numbers are in hexadecimal! see photoshop-gimp for hex colors incase! #ffffff is white!*/

	margin:	0;padding: 0; 	
	font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; color: #ffffff;  

/* my info block*/
	top: 0px;left: 0px; background-color: #558; font-size: 14px;
	border-style:none; border-width:0px; margin:0px 0px 0px 0px; 
	padding:2px 2px 2px 2px;color: #fff;  z-index:21;border-width:4px;
	position: fixed;


	background-color: #ccc; /*grey now*/

	top:  0px; left: 0px; 
	position: absolute;

	border-style:solid; border-width:0px;margin:0px 0px 0px 0px; padding:0px 0px 0px 0px; 

	/* you can set different cursor's type's' gets set again in javascript! */
	cursor: crosshair;
	/* cursor:none;   cursor: url(./cursor.cur),auto.*/

	/*this next shows my image like pixel-sharp - no pixel blurring by the browser!! */
	image-rendering:optimizeSpeed;             /* Legal fallback */
	image-rendering:-moz-crisp-edges;          /* Firefox        */
	image-rendering:-o-crisp-edges;            /* Opera          */
	image-rendering:-webkit-optimize-contrast; /* Safari  		 */
	image-rendering:optimize-contrast;         /* CSS3 Proposed  */
	image-rendering:crisp-edges;               /* CSS4 Proposed  */
	image-rendering:pixelated;                 /* CSS4 Proposed  */
	-ms-interpolation-mode:nearest-neighbor;   /* IE8+           */


<script>  //javascript start

//----------- window events --- 
// when the page is loaded
window.addEventListener('load',mywindow_page_loaded, false );

// page loaded? do this function!!
function mywindow_page_loaded() 
	// you can use javascript to write and change the html!
	document.getElementById('infoblock').innerHTML = 'page loaded - next draw in my canvas';
	var canvas = document.getElementById("my_canvas"); // select canvas: 'my_canvas'!
	// set my canvas
	var im_w = 800;  // image width 
	var im_h = 800;  // image height

        // now set the canvas width and height size 
	canvas.width = im_w; 
	canvas.height = im_h;

	var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"); // browser tech 

	// introducing the for next loop! do this now 50 times
	for (var i = 0; i < 50; i++)
		var red   = Math.floor(Math.random() * 255); // get a color between 0 and 255!
		var green = Math.floor(Math.random() * 255);
		var blue  = Math.floor(Math.random() * 255);
		var my_fontsize=Math.floor(Math.random() *  55)+9;
		ctx.font = my_fontsize+"px Verdana"; // random font size now

		var x = Math.floor(Math.random() * 420)+20; // random x and y screen position
		var y = Math.floor(Math.random() * 720)+20;
		ctx.fillStyle =  "rgb(0,0,0)";
		ctx.fillText("fxhash - " + i, x , y+1); // black text little offset on y!

		ctx.fillStyle =  "rgb("+red+", "+green+", "+blue+")"; // color text
		ctx.fillText("fxhash - " + i, x, y); // text, x,y position, also show the i-number !

		// emulate like a random dice - between 1 and 6
		var myrandom_dice = Math.floor(Math.random()*6) + 1; 
		// random number between 1 and 6 now		 
		x = Math.floor(Math.random() * 520)+20; // random x and y screen position
		y = Math.floor(Math.random() * 720)+20;
		ctx.font = "40px Arial"; // font size
		ctx.fillStyle =  "rgb( 0,0,0)";
		ctx.fillText(myrandom_dice, x, y); // text, x,y 
	}// end for-next loop!

} //end mywindow_page_loaded



<div class="info_css" id="infoblock">0__.</div>

<canvas class="canvas_css" id="my_canvas">- error message: - needs a javascript enabled browser to see the drawing-animation!-</canvas>


007. Added different cursor support in the css, and no pixel blurring on the canvas.

(browser-tech - I didn't created that myself)

Added a for-next loop, that does a loop like x-times. A great thing to use!

And introducing Math.random! that gives a random floating point number like between 0 and 0.9999999 I can round it with Math.floor to make it like 'rounded' numbers. Also using the random; to Emulate like a dice.

And I'm going to ditch this ctx-drawing asap. since I guess you can better do that stuff in p5js- and like can be different in browsers-platforms? I'm really going to focus on rgb-pixel 'perfect' drawing and using RGB-pixel buffers!



 <!-- css stylesheet -->
<style type="text/css">
	background-color: #777;	
	margin:	0;padding: 0; 	
	font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; color: #ffffff;  
/* my info block*/
	top: 0px;left: 0px; background-color: #558; font-size: 14px;
	border-style:none; border-width:0px; margin:0px 0px 0px 0px; 
	padding:2px 2px 2px 2px;color: #fff;  z-index:21;border-width:4px;
	position: fixed;
	background-color: #ccc; /*grey now*/

	top:  0px; left: 0px; 
	position: absolute;

	border-style:solid; border-width:0px;margin:0px 0px 0px 0px; padding:0px 0px 0px 0px; 

	/* you can set different cursor's type's' gets set again in javascript! */
	cursor: crosshair;
	/* cursor:none;   cursor: url(./cursor.cur),auto.*/

	/*this next shows my image like pixel-sharp - no pixel blurring by the browser!! */
	image-rendering:optimizeSpeed;             /* Legal fallback */
	image-rendering:-moz-crisp-edges;          /* Firefox        */
	image-rendering:-o-crisp-edges;            /* Opera          */
	image-rendering:-webkit-optimize-contrast; /* Safari  		 */
	image-rendering:optimize-contrast;         /* CSS3 Proposed  */
	image-rendering:crisp-edges;               /* CSS4 Proposed  */
	image-rendering:pixelated;                 /* CSS4 Proposed  */
	-ms-interpolation-mode:nearest-neighbor;   /* IE8+           */

<script>  //javascript start

// using some global variables now! I can use every where!

// my screen - canvas size now!
var im_w = 800;  // image - canvas width 
var im_h = 800;  // image - canvas height

//----------- window events --- 
// when the page is loaded
window.addEventListener('load',mywindow_page_loaded, false );

// page loaded? do this function!!
function mywindow_page_loaded() 
	// get the browser window size! - browser tech!
	var win_w=window.innerWidth;
	var win_h=window.innerHeight;
	// and show the window size in the text: info block! - nice for testing!
	document.getElementById('infoblock').innerHTML = 'window width: '+win_w +' window height: '+win_h;

	var c = document.getElementById("my_canvas"); // select canvas: 'my_canvas'!
	var ctx=c.getContext("2d");
	c.width = im_w; // set my canvas to my im_w and im_h size!
	c.height = im_h;

	// set the canvas position now with javascript! 
	// pretty simple-crude now; will do better later on
	var xpos=(win_w - im_w)/2;
	var ypos=(win_h - im_h)/2;
	// position my canvas! xpos+'px'; = ypos+'px';

	// make a new empty'data' image
	// and fill my canvas with it!
	// now with some random grey-noise!
	var img1 = ctx.createImageData(im_w, im_h); // create an empty data image - with width, height
	for (var p=0, j = 0; j < im_h*im_w; j++) // do for every pixel on the screen!
			var grey = Math.floor(Math.random() * 256);[p++] = grey;	// red[p++] = grey;	// green[p++] = grey;	// blue[p++] = 255;   // alpha channel; not used atm
	ctx.putImageData(img1, 0, 0);	// and draw it to my canvas!

} //end mywindow_page_loaded



<div class="info_css" id="infoblock">0__.</div>

<canvas class="canvas_css" id="my_canvas">- error message: - needs a javascript enabled browser to see the drawing-animation!-</canvas>


008. Next I'm going to use like a data image; and write it to my canvas. The data-pixels I fill now with a random grey color: between 0 and 255 (0= total black 255=total white)



 <!-- css stylesheet -->
<style type="text/css">
	background-color: #777;	
	margin:	0;padding: 0; 	
	font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; color: #ffffff;  
/* my info block*/
	top: 0px;left: 0px; background-color: #558; font-size: 14px;
	border-style:none; border-width:0px; margin:0px 0px 0px 0px; 
	padding:2px 2px 2px 2px;color: #fff;  z-index:21;border-width:4px;
	position: fixed;
	background-color: #ccc; /*grey now*/

	top:  20px; left: 20px; 
	position: absolute;

	border-style:solid; border-width:0px;margin:0px 0px 0px 0px; padding:0px 0px 0px 0px; 

	/* you can set different cursor's type's' gets set again in javascript! */
	cursor: crosshair;
	/* cursor:none;   cursor: url(./cursor.cur),auto.*/

	/*this next shows my image like pixel-sharp - no pixel blurring by the browser!! - old legacy code from the internet  */
	image-rendering:optimizeSpeed;             /* Legal fallback */ 
	image-rendering:-moz-crisp-edges;          /* Firefox        */ 
	image-rendering:-o-crisp-edges;            /* Opera          */ 
	image-rendering:-webkit-optimize-contrast; /* Safari  		 */ 
	image-rendering:optimize-contrast;         /* CSS3 Proposed  */ 
	image-rendering:crisp-edges;               /* CSS4 Proposed  */ 
	image-rendering:pixelated;                 /* CSS4 Proposed  * 
	-ms-interpolation-mode:nearest-neighbor;   /* IE8+           */

<script>  //javascript start

// using some global variables now! I  use all the time now! and I can tune

//- my image / canvas size -
var im_w = 320;  // image - canvas width 
var im_h = 240;  // image - canvas height

//---------init tech - window management -  window scaling etc. - tech -
var win_w; // window width - gets set in mywindow_page_loaded
var win_h; // window height
//----------- window events --- 
//----------legacy code, from the internet-tech------------------------------------
// sets the animation at 60 fps
if ( !window.requestAnimationFrame ) 
	window.requestAnimationFrame = ( function() {
		return window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame ||
		window.mozRequestAnimationFrame ||
		window.oRequestAnimationFrame ||
		window.msRequestAnimationFrame ||
		function(callback, element ) {window.setTimeout( callback, 1000 / 60 );};
	} )();

	//!!!!!!!____Init here_____!!!!!!!!!!!!
// do wen the page is loaded - tech -
window.addEventListener('load',init_mywindow, false ); 

// init  - tech -
function init_mywindow() 
	// get the browser window size! - browser tech!
	// and show the window size in the text: info block! - nice for testing!
	document.getElementById('infoblock').innerHTML = 'window width: '+win_w +' window height: '+win_h;

	// but hide it for now~! since animation !
	document.getElementById('infoblock').style.visibility = "hidden";

	//---------------------------windows check on resize
	// when browser window gets resized - tech -
	window.addEventListener( 'resize', onWindowResize, false );

	// set the size of the canvas
	document.getElementById('my_canvas').style.width = win_w+'px'; 
	document.getElementById('my_canvas').style.height= win_h+'px';	
	document.getElementById('my_canvas').style.left= 0+'px';
	document.getElementById('my_canvas') = 0+'px';
	animate(); // !!!____Init__ and trigger-start the animation

//---window stuff
function onWindowResize() 

function animate() 
	requestAnimationFrame( animate );

// the animation-drawing set at 60fps frames per second atm
function draw()
	//now blit bomb data to the screen
	var c = document.getElementById("my_canvas"); // select canvas: 'my_canvas'!
	var ctx=c.getContext("2d");
	c.width = im_w; // set my canvas to my im_w and im_h size!
	c.height = im_h;
	document.getElementById('my_canvas').style.width = win_w+'px'; 
	document.getElementById('my_canvas').style.height= win_h+'px';	
	document.getElementById('my_canvas').style.left= 0+'px';
	document.getElementById('my_canvas') = 0+'px';

	// Now finally draw something on the screen !!~ 
	// now  some random grey-noise pixels!
	var img1 = ctx.createImageData(im_w, im_h); // browser tech - create a new image: width, height
	for (var p=0, j = 0; j < im_h*im_w; j++) // draw those pixels on the screen!
			var grey = Math.floor(Math.random() * 256); // get a random grey color[p++] = grey;	// red[p++] = grey;	// green[p++] = grey;	// blue[p++] = 255;   // alpha channel; not used atm
	ctx.putImageData(img1, 0, 0);	// and draw the data image to the canvas!

// javascript end


<div class="info_css" id="infoblock">0__.</div>

<canvas class="canvas_css" id="my_canvas">-__-</canvas>


009. Next Lets start to animate these pixels ! Full-screen; real low res for now! Added a window_resizing check and the animation support (tech)

nxt plz!

-simple fxhash templates- 0__.

lil break:
!!!! Always use latest fxhash snippet!! this example below uses an older one!!!
<!doctype html>

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />


<!--the favicon a 16x16 .png image 
- why ? cause we can!
- ipfs often gives an error message, when you don't have a favicon
 I convert my 16x16 .png here - -->

<link rel="icon" type="image/png" sizes="16x16" href="" />

 <!-- css stylesheet -->
<style type="text/css">
	background-color: #777;	
	margin:	0;padding: 0; 	
	font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; color: #fff;  
/* my info block*/
	color: #fff; font-size: 14px; background-color: #558; 
	position: fixed;	
	border-style:none; border-width:4px;
	margin:0px 0px 0px 0px; padding:2px 2px 2px 2px;
	position: absolute;

	border-style:solid; border-width:0px;
	margin:0px 0px 0px 0px; padding:0px 0px 0px 0px; 

	/*this next shows my image like pixel-sharp - no pixel blurring by the browser!! - old legacy code from the internet  */
	image-rendering:optimizeSpeed;             /* Legal fallback */ 
	image-rendering:-moz-crisp-edges;          /* Firefox        */ 
	image-rendering:-o-crisp-edges;            /* Opera          */ 
	image-rendering:-webkit-optimize-contrast; /* Safari  		 */ 
	image-rendering:optimize-contrast;         /* CSS3 Proposed  */ 
	image-rendering:crisp-edges;               /* CSS4 Proposed  */ 
	image-rendering:pixelated;                 /* CSS4 Proposed  * 
	-ms-interpolation-mode:nearest-neighbor;   /* IE8+           */

<script id="fxhash-snippet">
  //---- do not edit the following code (you can indent as you wish)
  let alphabet = "123456789abcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZ"
  var fxhash = "oo" + Array(49).fill(0).map(_=>alphabet[(Math.random()*alphabet.length)|0]).join('')
  let b58dec = str=>[...str].reduce((p,c)=>p*alphabet.length+alphabet.indexOf(c)|0, 0)
  let fxhashTrunc = fxhash.slice(2)
  let regex = new RegExp(".{" + ((fxhashTrunc.length/4)|0) + "}", 'g')
  let hashes = fxhashTrunc.match(regex).map(h => b58dec(h))
  let sfc32 = (a, b, c, d) => {
    return () => {
      a |= 0; b |= 0; c |= 0; d |= 0
      var t = (a + b | 0) + d | 0
      d = d + 1 | 0
      a = b ^ b >>> 9
      b = c + (c << 3) | 0
      c = c << 21 | c >>> 11
      c = c + t | 0
      return (t >>> 0) / 4294967296
  var fxrand = sfc32(...hashes)
  // true if preview mode active, false otherwise
  // you can append preview=1 to the URL to simulate preview active
  var isFxpreview = new URLSearchParams('preview') === "1"
  // call this method to trigger the preview
  function fxpreview() {
    console.log("fxhash: TRIGGER PREVIEW")
  //---- /do not edit the following code

<script type="text/javascript">  //my javascript start

// using some global variables now! I  use all the time now! and I can tune

// you can change this when starting something new
var cversion="pixeldrop"; // title of the page, also name of the saved image
document.title =cversion;

var show_fps =    false;//     true;//  false;  // put this on wen testing!

var win_w;
var	win_h;
//- my image / canvas / animation screen-pixel size -
var im_w = 1024;  // image - canvas width 
var im_h = 768;  // image - canvas height

var temp_my_r=my_random_int(255);
var temp_my_g=my_random_int(255);
var temp_my_b=my_random_int(255); 	


// my r g b pixel buffer  
var pix_r = new Uint8ClampedArray(im_w*im_h); // I only use Uint8ClampedArray for the image output buffer! 
var pix_g = new Uint8ClampedArray(im_w*im_h); // it can be 'buggy/funky', wen using it like a normal array
var pix_b = new Uint8ClampedArray(im_w*im_h);

// You don't need to understand the tech too much, but it's needed to get the car running smooth.

// globals to keep track of the animation
var animation_part=0;
var anim_loop=0;
var do_once=0;
var my_pause=false;
//---------init tech - window management -  window scaling etc. - tech -
var save_image=false;

//----------- show fps------------
var my_timer=setInterval(function(){timer_fps()},1000);//1000
var data_fps=0;
var counter_fps=0;
var timeCurrent, timeLast =;	
var test=""; // for testing  

//----------- window events --- 
//----------legacy code, from the internet (not mine)- tech------------------------------------
// sets the animation at 60 fps
if ( !window.requestAnimationFrame ) 
	window.requestAnimationFrame = ( function() {
		return window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame ||
		window.mozRequestAnimationFrame ||
		window.oRequestAnimationFrame ||
		window.msRequestAnimationFrame ||
		function(callback, element ) {window.setTimeout( callback, 1000 / 60 );};
	} )();

	//!!!!!!!____Init here_____!!!!!!!!!!!!
// do wen the page is loaded - tech -
window.addEventListener('load',init_mywindow, false ); 

// ------------tech next: keys, mouse and windows handling --------------------

document.addEventListener('keyup', function(event)
	// saving is now handled in the draw() function!
	if (event.code == 'KeyS') // s key
	if (event.code == 'Space') // spacebar key gets paused in  the draw() function!
		if(my_pause==false){my_pause=true;}else {my_pause=false;}
// init  - tech -
function init_mywindow() 

	// hide info text block when showfps is  false
	if(show_fps==false){document.getElementById('infoblock').style.visibility = "hidden";}
	else {document.getElementById('infoblock').style.visibility = "visible";}
	//---------------------------windows check on resize
	// when browser window gets resized - tech -
	window.addEventListener( 'resize', onWindowResize, false );

	// set the size of the canvas
	document.getElementById('my_canvas').style.width = win_w+'px'; 
	document.getElementById('my_canvas').style.height= win_h+'px';	
	document.getElementById('my_canvas').style.left= 0+'px';
	document.getElementById('my_canvas') = 0+'px';

	animate(); // !!!____Init__ and trigger-start the animation

//---window stuff
function onWindowResize() 
	// set the size of the canvas
	document.getElementById('my_canvas').style.width = win_w+'px'; 
	document.getElementById('my_canvas').style.height= win_h+'px';	
	document.getElementById('my_canvas').style.left= 0+'px';
	document.getElementById('my_canvas') = 0+'px';

// html - set text; and dump the html/text in a div
function set_msg(div, msg){document.getElementById(div).innerHTML = msg;}
function go_msg(div, msg) {document.getElementById(div).innerHTML += msg;} // add to your text message

// legacy code from the internet - quick and dirty fps counter!
function timer_fps() // dirty fps counter 
	timeCurrent =;
	if (show_fps==true)
		var fpsThisFrame = 1000 / (timeCurrent - timeLast);
		if(timeCurrent > timeLast) 
			set_msg('infoblock', 'fps:' + counter_fps + test);
			timeLast = timeCurrent;

 //--- my random functions based on fxrand()------------

	function my_random_int(nummer){return ( ((fxrand()*nummer) << 0) );} //int: returns random number int!
	//   << 0 is a fast hack for Math.floor or Math.round

	function my_random_dub(nummer){return ( fxrand()*nummer );} //float: return random number float! 

	function my_random_int_minplus(nummer){return  (  ( (fxrand() * (nummer*2)) - nummer) << 0 );} 
	//int: returns random number int! between -num +num

	function my_random_dub_minplus(nummer){return  ( (fxrand() * (nummer*2)) - nummer)  ;} 
	//float: return random number float! between -num +num
function animate() 
	requestAnimationFrame( animate );
	if (show_fps==true){counter_fps++;}

// the animation-drawing set at 60fps frames per second atm
function draw()

	if(my_pause==false) // check if the animation is not paused with spacebar
	//now blit-bomb the data to the screen
	var c = document.getElementById("my_canvas"); // select canvas: 'my_canvas'!
	var ctx=c.getContext("2d");	
 	c.width = im_w; // set my canvas to my im_w and im_h size!
 	c.height = im_h;
	// dump the rgb buffer to the screen
	var img1 = ctx.createImageData(im_w, im_h); // browser tech - create a new image: width, height	
	for (var p=0, j = 0; j < im_h*im_w; j++) // draw those pixels on the screen!
			var grey = Math.floor(Math.random() * 256); // get a random grey color[p++] = pix_r[j];	// red[p++] = pix_g[j];	// green[p++] = pix_b[j];	// blue[p++] = 255;   // alpha channel; not used atm
	ctx.putImageData(img1, 0, 0);	// and draw the data image to the canvas!
	if (save_image==true) // save image 
		var imagename=cversion+'_'+fxhash+'_'+'.png';
		var my_download = document.createElement('a');
		my_download.setAttribute('download', imagename);
		var mcanvas = document.getElementById('my_canvas');
		mcanvas.toBlob(function(blob) {
						var url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
						my_download.setAttribute('href', url);;	
} // end draw()
//---------------------------end tech--------------------

// !-------------- --- next the creative part -----------!

function my_animation()

	if (animation_part==0)
		animation_part++; // go next!
	// init animation part
	else if (animation_part==1)
	// draw random grey background 
	else if (animation_part==2)

		// fill the screen with random noise				
		for (var j = 0; j < im_h; j++) // y
			var grey=my_random_int(255); // just grey horizontal bars	now		
			var p1=j*im_w;
			for (var i = 0; i <  im_w; i++) // x
				var p2=p1+i; // pixel position!	
	// init next drawing
	else if (animation_part==3)
		animation_part++; // go next

	// draw 'grate' squares
	else if (animation_part==4)
		for (var soz = 0; soz <  100; soz++) // draw faster and more ! watch fps!
			var x1 = my_random_int(im_w) + my_random_int_minplus(100);
			var y1 = my_random_int(im_h) + my_random_int_minplus(100);
			var randomsizex= 1+my_random_int(700);
			var randomsizey= 1+my_random_int(30);
			var x2 = x1+randomsizex;
			var y2 = y1+randomsizey;
			// important don't draw outside my screen! - check the position when drawing
			if(x1<0){x1=0;} if(y1<0){y1=0;}	if(x2<0){x2=0;} if(y2<0){y2=0;}
			if(x1 >= im_w){x1=im_w-1;} if(y1 >= im_h){y1=im_h-1;}
			if(x2 >= im_w){x2=im_w-1;} if(y2 >= im_h){y2=im_h-1;}
			if(my_random_int(6999)==0)  //  new random color!
			var r=temp_my_r;//my_random_int(255);
			var g=temp_my_g;//my_random_int(255); 
			var b=temp_my_b;//my_random_int(255); 
			if(my_random_int(2)==0)  //  random color green and blue
			if(my_random_int(14)==0)  //  random grey
			var istep= 1 + my_random_int(16); // do extra step on x or y
			var jstep= 1 + my_random_int(16);
			// draw a rectangle
			var mode2 = my_random_int(3); // choose a random drawing mode	
			if(mode2 == 0) // draw hard r-g-b
				var num=2+my_random_int(61);
				var deel=num+1;
				var bright=0.5+my_random_dub(7);
				for (var j = y1; j < y2; j=j+jstep) // y
					var p1=j*im_w;
					for (var i = x1; i <  x2; i=i+istep) // x
						var p2=p1+i; // pixel position!					
						pix_r[p2]=( ( (num*pix_r[p2])+(r*bright) ) / deel) <<0;
						pix_g[p2]=( ( (num*pix_g[p2])+(g*bright) ) / deel) <<0;
						pix_b[p2]=( ( (num*pix_b[p2])+(b*bright) ) / deel) <<0;
			else if(mode2 == 1) // draw simple blend mode r-g-b
				var num=17+ my_random_int(41);
				var deel=num+1;	
				for (var j = y1; j < y2; j=j+jstep) // y
					var p1=j*im_w;
					for (var i = x1; i <  x2; i=i+istep) // x
						var p2=p1+i; // pixel position!
						pix_r[p2]=(( (num*pix_r[p2]) + r)/deel) <<0;
						pix_g[p2]=(( (num*pix_g[p2]) + g)/deel) <<0;
						pix_b[p2]=(( (num*pix_b[p2]) + b)/deel) <<0;
			else if(mode2 == 2) ////min - darken - the shade
				x1 = my_random_int(im_w)-1100 + my_random_int_minplus(1400);
				y1 = my_random_int(im_h)-1100 + my_random_int_minplus(1400);
				randomsizex= 1+my_random_int(1100);
				randomsizey= 1+my_random_int(1100);
				x2 = x1+randomsizex;
				y2 = y1+randomsizey;
				// important don't draw outside my screen! - check the position when drawing
				if(x1<0){x1=0;} if(y1<0){y1=0;}	if(x2<0){x2=0;} if(y2<0){y2=0;}
				if(x1 >= im_w){x1=im_w;} if(y1 >= im_h){y1=im_h;}
				if(x2 >= im_w){x2=im_w;} if(y2 >= im_h){y2=im_h;}
				for (var j = y1; j < y2; j=j+jstep) // y
					var p1=j*im_w;
					for (var i = x1; i <  x2; i=i+istep) // x
						var p2=p1+i; // pixel position!
						pix_r[p2]=pix_r[p2]/3 << 0; 
						pix_g[p2]=pix_g[p2]/3 << 0; 
						pix_b[p2]=pix_b[p2]/3 << 0; 
			}// end mode2	
		}	// end draw faster	
		// go next
		if(anim_loop>51) // draw x times!
			animation_part= 100; // go to the end
	// ------------------- end of animation, wrap it up-----------------------------
	else if (animation_part==100)
		if(anim_loop==100 && do_once==0)
			fxpreview(); // now make the fxhash thumbnail - preview image
			do_once=1; // and do this only at the start	
		if(anim_loop>200) // wait a bit to go next
			animation_part= 101; // go next - end
			animation_part= 101; // directly go to end, no need to wait or fxpreview anymore+
	else if (animation_part==101)
			animation_part=3;	// reset-continue with the animation; restart at 3 now 

} // end my_animation()

// javascript end


<div class="info_css" id="infoblock">0__.</div>

<canvas class="canvas_css" id="my_canvas">-__-</canvas>


10. Ok what's in this one?

coding hacks I use a lot

see it working here -

- template 11 -

11. Animation template #2

see it working on

index.html - source for 11 - pixeldrop

!!! Note: These examples use an older fxhash-snippet! Always use the latest one, when you want to test and upload it on fxhash !!!

<!doctype html>

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />


<!--favicon 16x16 .png -  created at -->
<link rel="icon" type="image/png" sizes="16x16" href="" />

 <!-- css stylesheet -->
<style type="text/css">
	background-color: #777;	
	margin:	0;padding: 0; 	
	font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; color: #fff;  

	color: #fff; font-size: 14px; background-color: #558; 
	position: fixed;	
	border-style:none; border-width:4px;
	margin:0px 0px 0px 0px; padding:2px 2px 2px 2px;

	position: absolute;

	border-style:solid; border-width:0px;
	margin:0px 0px 0px 0px; padding:0px 0px 0px 0px; 

	/*this next shows my image like pixel-sharp - no pixel blurring by the browser!! - old legacy code from the internet  */
	image-rendering:optimizeSpeed;             /* Legal fallback */ 
	image-rendering:-moz-crisp-edges;          /* Firefox        */ 
	image-rendering:-o-crisp-edges;            /* Opera          */ 
	image-rendering:-webkit-optimize-contrast; /* Safari  		 */ 
	image-rendering:optimize-contrast;         /* CSS3 Proposed  */ 
	image-rendering:crisp-edges;               /* CSS4 Proposed  */ 
	image-rendering:pixelated;                 /* CSS4 Proposed  * 
	-ms-interpolation-mode:nearest-neighbor;   /* IE8+           */

<script id="fxhash-snippet">
  //---- do not edit the following code (you can indent as you wish)
  let alphabet = "123456789abcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZ"
  var fxhash = "oo" + Array(49).fill(0).map(_=>alphabet[(Math.random()*alphabet.length)|0]).join('')
  let b58dec = str=>[...str].reduce((p,c)=>p*alphabet.length+alphabet.indexOf(c)|0, 0)
  let fxhashTrunc = fxhash.slice(2)
  let regex = new RegExp(".{" + ((fxhashTrunc.length/4)|0) + "}", 'g')
  let hashes = fxhashTrunc.match(regex).map(h => b58dec(h))
  let sfc32 = (a, b, c, d) => {
    return () => {
      a |= 0; b |= 0; c |= 0; d |= 0
      var t = (a + b | 0) + d | 0
      d = d + 1 | 0
      a = b ^ b >>> 9
      b = c + (c << 3) | 0
      c = c << 21 | c >>> 11
      c = c + t | 0
      return (t >>> 0) / 4294967296
  var fxrand = sfc32(...hashes)
  // true if preview mode active, false otherwise
  // you can append preview=1 to the URL to simulate preview active
  var isFxpreview = new URLSearchParams('preview') === "1"
  // call this method to trigger the preview
  function fxpreview() {
    console.log("fxhash: TRIGGER PREVIEW")
  //---- /do not edit the following code

<script type="text/javascript">  //my javascript start

// using some global variables now! I  use all the time now! and I can tune

// gets current browser window size
var win_w=window.innerWidth;
var win_h=window.innerHeight;

// !!!you can change this when starting something new!!!

var cversion="pixeldrop_"; // title of the page, also name of save file!
document.title =cversion;

var show_fps =        true;//  false;  // put this on wen testing!
//- my image / canvas / animation screen-pixel size now-
var im_w = 800;  // image - canvas width 
var im_h = 800;  // image - canvas height

// globals used for my colorlines 
var myco_num = 0;

var myco_x1 = new Array();
var myco_y1 = new Array();
var myco_x2 = new Array();
var myco_y2 = new Array(); 

var myco_xspeed = new Array();
var myco_yspeed = new Array();

var myco_direction = new Array();

var myco_r1 = new Array();
var myco_g1 = new Array();
var myco_b1 = new Array();

var myco_istep = new Array();
var myco_jstep = new Array();

var myco_fade = new Array();
var myco_mode2 = new Array();

// for my palette
var pallet_num=0;
var pallet_r = new Array();
var pallet_g = new Array();
var pallet_b = new Array();


// rgb pixel buffer  
var pix_r = new Uint8ClampedArray(im_w*im_h);
var pix_g = new Uint8ClampedArray(im_w*im_h);
var pix_b = new Uint8ClampedArray(im_w*im_h);

// globals animation
var animation_part=0;
var anim_loop=0;
var do_once=0;

var my_pause=false; // pause anim
var save_image=false;
//----------- show fps------------
var my_timer=setInterval(function(){timer_fps()},1000);//1000
var data_fps=0;
var counter_fps=0;
var timeCurrent, timeLast =;	
var test=""; // for testing  !! gets used in fps-counter!

//----------- window events --- 
//----------legacy code, from the internet (not mine)- tech------------------------------------
// sets the animation at 60 fps
if ( !window.requestAnimationFrame ) 
	window.requestAnimationFrame = ( function() {
		return window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame ||
		window.mozRequestAnimationFrame ||
		window.oRequestAnimationFrame ||
		window.msRequestAnimationFrame ||
		function(callback, element ) {window.setTimeout( callback, 1000 / 60 );};
	} )();

// wen the page is loaded, jump here! - tech -
window.addEventListener('load',init_mywindow, false ); 

// ------------tech next: keys, mouse and windows handling --------------------
document.addEventListener('keyup', function(event)
	// saving is now handled in the draw() function!
	if (event.code == 'KeyS') // s key save in the draw() function!
	if (event.code == 'Space') // spacebar key gets paused in  the draw() function!
		if(my_pause==false){my_pause=true;}else {my_pause=false;}

// init  - tech -
function init_mywindow() 
	// hide info text block when showfps is  false
	if(show_fps==false){document.getElementById('infoblock').style.visibility = "hidden";}
	else {document.getElementById('infoblock').style.visibility = "visible";}
	//---------------------------windows check on resize
	// window resize? do this.  
	window.addEventListener( 'resize', onWindowResize, false );

	// set the size of the canvas
	document.getElementById('my_canvas').style.width = win_w+'px'; 
	document.getElementById('my_canvas').style.height= win_h+'px';	
	document.getElementById('my_canvas').style.left= 0+'px';
	document.getElementById('my_canvas') = 0+'px';

	animate(); // !!!____Init__ and trigger-start the animation

//---window stuff
function onWindowResize() 
	// scale / sets the size of the canvas
	document.getElementById('my_canvas').style.width = win_w+'px'; 
	document.getElementById('my_canvas').style.height= win_h+'px';	
	document.getElementById('my_canvas').style.left= 0+'px';
	document.getElementById('my_canvas') = 0+'px';	

// html - set text; and dump the html/text in a div
function set_msg(div, msg){document.getElementById(div).innerHTML = msg;}
function go_msg(div, msg) {document.getElementById(div).innerHTML += msg;} // add text

// legacy code from the internet - quick and dirty fps counter!
function timer_fps() // dirty fps counter 
	timeCurrent =;
	if (show_fps==true)
		var fpsThisFrame = 1000 / (timeCurrent - timeLast);
		if(timeCurrent > timeLast) 
			set_msg('infoblock', 'fps:' + counter_fps+test);
			timeLast = timeCurrent;

 //--- my random using fxrand()------------

function my_random_int(nummer){return ( ((fxrand()*nummer) << 0) );} //int 

function my_random_dub(nummer){return ( fxrand()*nummer );} //float

function my_random_int_minplus(nummer){return  (  ( (fxrand() * (nummer*2)) - nummer) << 0 );} 
//returns int:  between -num +num
function my_random_dub_minplus(nummer){return  ( (fxrand() * (nummer*2)) - nummer)  ;} 
//returns float:  between -num +num
function animate() 
	requestAnimationFrame( animate );
	if (show_fps==true){counter_fps++;}

// the animation-drawing set at 60fps frames per second atm
function draw()

	if(my_pause==false) // check if the animation is not paused with spacebar

	//now blit-bomb the data to the screen
	var c = document.getElementById("my_canvas"); // select canvas: 'my_canvas'!
	var ctx=c.getContext("2d");	
 	c.width = im_w; // set my canvas to my im_w and im_h size!
 	c.height = im_h;
	// dump the rgb buffer to the screen
	var img1 = ctx.createImageData(im_w, im_h); // browser tech - create a new image: width, height	
	for (var p=0, j = 0; j < im_h*im_w; j++) // draw those pixels on the screen!
			var grey = Math.floor(Math.random() * 256); // get a random grey color[p++] = pix_r[j];	// red[p++] = pix_g[j];	// green[p++] = pix_b[j];	// blue[p++] = 255;   // alpha channel; not used atm
	ctx.putImageData(img1, 0, 0);	// and draw the data image to the canvas!
	// legacy code and trick from the interwebz 
	if (save_image==true) // save image 
		var imagename= cversion+'_'+fxhash+'_'+'.png'; // I also save the fxhashkey!
		var my_download = document.createElement('a');
		my_download.setAttribute('download', imagename);
		var mcanvas = document.getElementById('my_canvas');
		mcanvas.toBlob(function(blob) {
						var url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
						my_download.setAttribute('href', url);;	
//---------------------------end tech--------------------
// you can use and learn from the tech

// the creative part and fine-tuning, you should do yourself !HF!

// !-------------- --- next the creative part -----------!

function init_my_palette()
	var palet_data=[
	200,20,20,   205, 205, 205 // r1 g1 b1 r2 g2 b2
	// I will use this later to collect my favourite palettes 
	// - put fps on to see the rgb numbers
	palet_data[0]=my_random_int(255); // now just give 2 random colors
	// outputs text to the fps-info
	test="<hr><hr>----rgb----rgb---<hr>		" + "<b><span style='color:rgb("+palet_data[0]+","+palet_data[1]+","+palet_data[2]+");'>"+palet_data[0]+","+palet_data[1]+","+palet_data[2]+","+"</span>"+"<span style='color:rgb("+palet_data[3]+","+palet_data[4]+","+palet_data[5]+");'>"+palet_data[3]+","+palet_data[4]+","+palet_data[5]+", "+"</span></b><hr><hr>"	
	// you can either use " or ' 

	for (var i = 0; i <  6; i++) // fade to dark   rgb 1
		pallet_r[pallet_num]= palet_data[0] - (i*12);
		pallet_g[pallet_num]= palet_data[1] - (i*12);
		pallet_b[pallet_num]= palet_data[2] - (i*12);
	for (var i = 0; i <  6; i++) // fade to dark   rgb 2
		pallet_r[pallet_num]= palet_data[3] - (i*12);
		pallet_g[pallet_num]= palet_data[4] - (i*12);
		pallet_b[pallet_num]= palet_data[5] - (i*12);
	for (var i = 0; i <  6; i++) // fade to dark   grey 
		pallet_r[pallet_num]= ((palet_data[0]+palet_data[1]+palet_data[2])/2) - (i*12)<<0;
		pallet_g[pallet_num]= pallet_r[pallet_num];
		pallet_b[pallet_num]= pallet_r[pallet_num];
	// little error check for
	for (var i = 0; i <  pallet_num; i++)


function my_animation()
	// start init animation!
	if (animation_part==0)
		var grey=my_random_int(255); // just a grey screen	now		
		//clear screen!	
		for (var j = 0; j < im_h; j++) // y
			var p1=j*im_w;
			for (var i = 0; i <  im_w; i++) // x
				var p2=p1+i; // pixel position!
		animation_part++; //// go next!
	// init --animation anim--
	else if (animation_part==1)
		myco_num = 0;

		var myran= 20 + my_random_int(20); // number of lines?
		for (var i = 0; i < myran; i++)
			myco_x1[myco_num] = my_random_int(im_w)-120;
			myco_y1[myco_num] = my_random_int(im_h);
			myco_x2[myco_num] = myco_x1[myco_num]+my_random_int(im_w);
			myco_y2[myco_num] = myco_y1[myco_num] + 1 + my_random_int(30);
			if(myco_x1[myco_num]<0){myco_x1[myco_num]=0;} // little out of bounds check
			myco_xspeed[myco_num] = 0.2 + my_random_dub(2);
			myco_yspeed[myco_num] = 0.1 + my_random_dub(2);
			myco_direction[myco_num] = my_random_int(2);

			var col= my_random_int(pallet_num); 		
			myco_istep[myco_num] = 1;//  + my_random_int(7);
			myco_jstep[myco_num] = 1;//  + my_random_int(7);
				myco_istep[myco_num] = 1  + my_random_int(7);
				myco_jstep[myco_num] = 1   + my_random_int(7);
			myco_fade[myco_num]= 1 + my_random_int(31);
			myco_mode2[myco_num]=   my_random_int(2);
			myco_num++; // !next particle-part
	// draw and animate horizontal lines
	else if (animation_part==2)

		// alert(myco_num);
		for (var zi = 0; zi < myco_num; zi++) // number of horizontal block lines
			var x1= myco_x1[zi]<<0;
			var y1= myco_y1[zi]<<0;
			var x2= myco_x2[zi]<<0;
			var y2= myco_y2[zi]<<0;
			if(x1<0){x1=0;} // check out of bounds!

			var r= myco_r1[zi];
			var g= myco_g1[zi];
			var b= myco_b1[zi];
			if(my_random_int(29999)==0)  //  new random palette!
				init_my_palette(); // reset palette
				for (var zii = 0; zii < myco_num; zii++) // reset all colors
					var col= my_random_int(pallet_num); 		
			var istep= myco_istep[zi] ;// do extra step on x or y
			var jstep= myco_jstep[zi] ;
			var num=myco_fade[zi] ;
			var deel=num+1;

			var mode2=myco_mode2[zi]; 	
			if(mode2==0)	// blend		
				for (var j = y1; j < y2; j=j+jstep) // y
					var p1=j*im_w;
					for (var i = x1; i <  x2; i=i+istep) // x
						var p2=p1+i; // pixel position!					
						pix_r[p2]= (r + (pix_r[p2]*num))/deel <<0;
						pix_g[p2]= (g + (pix_g[p2]*num))/deel <<0;
						pix_b[p2]= (b + (pix_b[p2]*num))/deel <<0;
			else if(mode2==1)	// draw - darken		
				for (var j = y1; j < y2; j=j+jstep) // y
					var p1=j*im_w;
					for (var i = x1; i <  x2; i=i+istep) // x
						var p2=p1+i; // pixel position!					

			// new movement
				if(myco_y1[zi]>im_h+150) // check out of screen - reset block
					myco_y1[myco_num] = im_h + my_random_int(2);			 
					myco_y2[myco_num] = myco_y1[myco_num]+1  + my_random_int(31);
					myco_yspeed[zi] = 0.1 + my_random_dub(1.1);
					myco_fade[zi]= 1 + my_random_int(31);
					var col= my_random_int(pallet_num); 
					myco_r1[zi] = pallet_r[col];
					myco_g1[zi] = pallet_g[col];
					myco_b1[zi] = pallet_b[col];
					myco_istep[zi] = 1;
					myco_jstep[zi] = 1;
						myco_istep[zi] = 1  + my_random_int(7);
						myco_jstep[zi] = 1  + my_random_int(7);
					myco_mode2[zi]=   my_random_int(2);					
			else if(myco_direction[zi]==1)			
				if(myco_y2[zi]< -150) //check out of screen - reset block
					myco_y1[myco_num] =0 - my_random_int(31);			 
					myco_y2[myco_num] = 0;

					myco_yspeed[zi] = 0.1 + my_random_dub(1.1);
					myco_fade[zi]= 1 + my_random_int(31);

					var col= my_random_int(pallet_num); 
					myco_r1[zi] = pallet_r[col];
					myco_g1[zi] = pallet_g[col];
					myco_b1[zi] = pallet_b[col];
					myco_istep[zi] = 1;
					myco_jstep[zi] = 1;
						myco_istep[zi] = 1  + my_random_int(7);
						myco_jstep[zi] = 1  + my_random_int(7);
					myco_mode2[zi]=   my_random_int(2);		

		if(anim_loop==100 && do_once==0) // do fxpreview after 100 drawings
			fxpreview(); // now make the fxhash thumbnail - preview image
			do_once=1; // and do this only at the start

	// ------------------- end of animation 


// javascript end


<div class="info_css" id="infoblock">0__.</div>

<canvas class="canvas_css" id="my_canvas">-__-</canvas>


So what's in it?

a slightly different version you can check here:

comtemplate v.01

!!! Note: These examples use an older fxhash-snippet! Always use the latest one, when you want to test and upload it on fxhash !!!

<!doctype html>

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />


<!--a favicon 16x16 .png -  created at -->
<link rel="icon" type="image/png" sizes="16x16" href="" />

 <!-- css stylesheet -->
<style type="text/css">
	background-color: #111;	margin:	0;padding: 0; 	

.css_background /*for color fader*/
	background-color: rgb(0, 0, 0);
	top: 0px;left: 0px;  width:100%; height:100%;
	z-index:11; border-width:0px; position: fixed;

	color: rgb(220, 220, 220); 
	font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px;
	background-color: rgb(100, 100, 120); z-index:21;
	position: fixed; top:0px;left:0px; border-style:none; border-width:4px;
	margin:0px 0px 0px 0px; padding:2px 2px 2px 2px;

	z-index:20; position: absolute;
	border-style:solid; border-width:0px; margin:0px 0px 0px 0px; padding:0px 0px 0px 0px;
	/*- no pixel blurring by the browser!! - old legacy code from the internet */
	image-rendering:optimizeSpeed;             /* Legal fallback */ 
	image-rendering:-moz-crisp-edges;          /* Firefox        */ 
	image-rendering:-o-crisp-edges;            /* Opera          */ 
	image-rendering:-webkit-optimize-contrast; /* Safari  		 */ 
	image-rendering:optimize-contrast;         /* CSS3 Proposed  */ 
	image-rendering:crisp-edges;               /* CSS4 Proposed  */ 
	image-rendering:pixelated;                 /* CSS4 Proposed  * 
	-ms-interpolation-mode:nearest-neighbor;   /* IE8+           */

<script id="fxhash-snippet">
  //-- do not edit the following code (you can indent as you wish) fxpreview -> canvas#my_canvas
  let alphabet = "123456789abcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZ"
  var fxhash = "oo" + Array(49).fill(0).map(_=>alphabet[(Math.random()*alphabet.length)|0]).join('')
  let b58dec = str=>[...str].reduce((p,c)=>p*alphabet.length+alphabet.indexOf(c)|0, 0)
  let fxhashTrunc = fxhash.slice(2)
  let regex = new RegExp(".{" + ((fxhashTrunc.length/4)|0) + "}", 'g')
  let hashes = fxhashTrunc.match(regex).map(h => b58dec(h))
  let sfc32 = (a, b, c, d) => {
    return () => {
      a |= 0; b |= 0; c |= 0; d |= 0
      var t = (a + b | 0) + d | 0
      d = d + 1 | 0
      a = b ^ b >>> 9
      b = c + (c << 3) | 0
      c = c << 21 | c >>> 11
      c = c + t | 0
      return (t >>> 0) / 4294967296
  var fxrand = sfc32(...hashes)
  // true if preview mode active, false otherwise
  // you can append preview=1 to the URL to simulate preview active
  var isFxpreview = new URLSearchParams('preview') === "1"
  // call this method to trigger the preview
  function fxpreview() {
    console.log("fxhash: TRIGGER PREVIEW")
  //--do not edit the following code ^____^

<script type="text/javascript">  //my javascript start

// using some global variables now! I  use all the time now! and I can tune
// !!!you can change this when starting something new!!!

var cversion="comtemplate_v01"; // title of the page, also name of save file!

var show_fps = false;  // fps counter and info: put this on-true wen testing! also f-key
var random_palette =   true; // false; // - 3 random palette  colors?
var random_palette_grey =  false; // also add some grey to our palette
// css - use now a crosshair when your mouse is over the image
var my_crosshair="crosshair"; // none / default  / crosshair / 
//- my image / canvas / animation screen-pixel size now-
var im_w = 4096;  // image - canvas width !!!!
var im_h = 4096;  // image - canvas height!!!!
var aspi = my_random_int(3); //random aspect ratio!
else if(aspi==1)
else if(aspi==2)

//-------------------tech: setting up screen--------------------	
// gets current browser window size
var win_w=window.innerWidth;
var win_h=window.innerHeight;
// for my palette
var pallet_num=0;
var pallet_r = new Array();
var pallet_g = new Array();
var pallet_b = new Array();
var palette_name;

//globals for css bacrgroundchange
var css_bgchange =  false;
var css_bgchange_count = 0;
var css_bgchange_rgb = new Array();

// rgb pixel buffer  
var pix_r = new Uint8ClampedArray(im_w*im_h);
var pix_g = new Uint8ClampedArray(im_w*im_h);
var pix_b = new Uint8ClampedArray(im_w*im_h);

var pix_z = new Array(); // depth - z 

// screen rendering!
var show_buff=1;

// screen scaled image
var pix_screen_r = new Uint8ClampedArray(); 
var pix_screen_g = new Uint8ClampedArray(); 
var pix_screen_b = new Uint8ClampedArray();

var pix_screen_w = 0;
var pix_screen_h = 0;
var pix_screen_top=0;
var pix_screen_left=0;

var pix_screen_hor=false;
var pix_screen_ver=false;

var render_complete=false;

// highres to low screen rendering
var x_step = new Array();
var y_step = new Array();
var renderstepper=0;
var yline_pos=0;
var c_timesrendered=0;

 // mouse
 var mx, my; // mouse x and y position
// globals animation
var animation_part=0;
var anim_loop=0;
var do_once=0; // for fxpreview

var global_anim_frame=0;

var my_pause=false; // pause anim
var save_image=false;

// legacy code = technical code-snippets from tutorials found on the internet once 
// do not know the orginal author!
// mostly for the legacy code I kept variable names the same
// incase you find org. author:  apple-pie for both!

//----------- show fps------------some legacy code
var my_timer=setInterval(function(){timer_fps()},1000);//1000
var data_fps=0;
var counter_fps=0;
var timeCurrent, timeLast =;	
var test=""; // for testing  !! gets used in fps-counter!

// pre-calculated y-table-  y*image_width  
var ytable_im_w = new Array(im_h);

// a pre-calculated random buffer   
var	rnd_bufsize=1000;
var	rnd_buf = new Array();
var	rnd_pos=0;
var	rnd_step=1;

// pre-calculated sin cos buffer
var sincos=4096; // make this bigger; if you want bigger circle data
var my_cos=new Array();  
var my_sin=new Array(); 

//----------- window events --- 

// sets the animation at 60 fps - -legacy code
if ( !window.requestAnimationFrame ) 
	window.requestAnimationFrame = ( function() {
		return window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame ||
		window.mozRequestAnimationFrame ||
		window.oRequestAnimationFrame ||
		window.msRequestAnimationFrame ||
		function(callback, element ) {window.setTimeout( callback, 1000 / 60 );};
	} )();

// wen the page is loaded, jump here! - tech -
window.addEventListener('load',init_mywindow, false ); 

// page  init here!  - tech -
function init_mywindow() 
	document.title =cversion;// set html page title
	document.getElementById('my_canvas').style.cursor=my_crosshair; //crosshair; // none

	// precalculated: y table for (y * image_width) 
	for (var j= 0; j< im_h; j++){  ytable_im_w[j] = (j*im_w);}	
	//sets mouse mx and mouse my to middle of screen
	mx = im_w/2;
	my = im_h/2;
	//for the css background color fader
	for (var j= 0; j<6; j++){   css_bgchange_rgb[j]=0;}	
	// hide info-fps text block when showfps is  false
	if(show_fps==false){document.getElementById('infoblock').style.visibility = "hidden";}
	else {document.getElementById('infoblock').style.visibility = "visible";}
	// ------------tech next: keys, mouse and windows handling --------------------
	document.addEventListener('keyup', function(event)
		// saving is now handled in the draw() function!
		if (event.code == 'KeyS') // s key save 
		if (event.code == 'Space') // spacebar  pause 
			if(my_pause==false){my_pause=true;}else {my_pause=false;}
		if (event.code == 'KeyF') // f-key show hide fps
			if(show_fps==false){show_fps=true;}else {show_fps=false;}
			if(show_fps==false){document.getElementById('infoblock').style.visibility = "hidden";}
			else {document.getElementById('infoblock').style.visibility = "visible";}
		if (event.code == 'KeyP') // random palette? // palette gets set at start animation-drawing
			if(random_palette==false){random_palette=true;}else {random_palette=false;}
	//---mouse check and input
	var c=document.getElementById('my_canvas');	
	c.addEventListener("mousemove", function (evt) 
		if(show_buff==0) // big image with scrollbars
			mx= Math.round((evt.clientX +xOffset ));	
			my= Math.round((evt.clientY +yOffset ));	
		else if(show_buff==1) // screen scaled image
			mx=Math.round( (im_w/pix_screen_w) * (evt.clientX - pix_screen_left) );
			my=Math.round( (im_h/pix_screen_h) * (evt.clientY - pix_screen_top)  );
		else if(show_buff==2) // mouse zoom
			mx= Math.round((evt.clientX));// could use better calculation, now just window mouse position
			my= Math.round((evt.clientY));	
		//test="mouse - mx: "+mx+"   my: "+my;	
	}, false);
	c.addEventListener("mouseup", function (evt) 
		//show the screen scaled image or zoomed in
		if(show_buff==0) // big image with scrollbars
			mx= Math.round((evt.clientX +xOffset ));	
			my= Math.round((evt.clientY +yOffset ));	
		else if(show_buff==1) // screen scaled image
			mx=Math.round( (im_w/pix_screen_w) * (evt.clientX - pix_screen_left) );
			my=Math.round( (im_h/pix_screen_h) * (evt.clientY - pix_screen_top)  );
		else if(show_buff==2) // mouse zoom
			mx= Math.round((evt.clientX));	
			my= Math.round((evt.clientY));	
	}, false);
	c.addEventListener("mousedown", function (evt) 
		// mouse_pressed=true;
	}, false);
	// touch event .. phone etc finger movement 'mouse position'
	c.addEventListener("touchmove", function (evt)   // 'touchstart' 'touchmove' 'touchend'
		var touch = evt.touches[0] || evt.changedTouches[0];
		var tx = touch.pageX;
		var ty = touch.pageY;
		if(tx>0 && ty>0)  // check if there screen is touched.. if not tx/ty is undefined
			if(show_buff==0) // big image with scrollbars
				mx= Math.round((tx +xOffset ));	
				my= Math.round((ty +yOffset ));
			else if(show_buff==1) // screen scaled image
				mx=Math.round( (im_w/pix_screen_w) * (tx - pix_screen_left) );
				my=Math.round( (im_h/pix_screen_h) * (ty - pix_screen_top)  );
			else if(show_buff==2) // mouse zoom
				mx= Math.round(tx);	
				my= Math.round(ty);	
			// anim			
		evt.preventDefault();// disable unwanted page scrolling; if you touch/swipe
	},{ passive: false },  false);  // found passive:false fixes a scroll bug now
	//---------------------------windows check on resize
	// window resize? do this.  
	window.addEventListener( 'resize', onWindowResize, false );


	animate(); // !!!____Init__ and trigger-start the animation

//---window stuff
function onWindowResize() 

// do when resize window!
function windows_reset_screenimage()
	renderstepper=0; // refresh the render lines

	//center screen image based on aspect-ratio 
	var img_ratio=im_w/im_h;
	var win_ratio=win_w/win_h;

	//center screen image based on aspect-ratio 
	var newratio=0;	
	newratio= (win_w/im_w);
	pix_screen_h = (im_h * newratio)<<0;			
	if (pix_screen_h > win_h)
		pix_screen_h = win_h;
		pix_screen_w=(im_w * newratio)<<0;
		pix_screen_left=((win_w - pix_screen_w)/2) <<0;
		pix_screen_top=((win_h - pix_screen_h)/2) <<0;
	pix_screen_r = new Uint8ClampedArray(pix_screen_w*pix_screen_h); 
	pix_screen_g = new Uint8ClampedArray(pix_screen_w*pix_screen_h); 
	pix_screen_b = new Uint8ClampedArray(pix_screen_w*pix_screen_h);

// html - set text; and dump the html/text in a div
function set_msg(div, msg){document.getElementById(div).innerHTML = msg;}
function go_msg(div, msg) {document.getElementById(div).innerHTML += msg;} // add text

// legacy code from the internet - quick and dirty fps counter!
function timer_fps() // dirty fps counter 
	timeCurrent =;
	if (show_fps==true)
		var fpsThisFrame = 1000 / (timeCurrent - timeLast);
		if(timeCurrent > timeLast) 
			set_msg('infoblock', 'fps:' + counter_fps+test);
			timeLast = timeCurrent;
function animate() 
	requestAnimationFrame( animate );
	if (show_fps==true){counter_fps++;}

// the animation-drawing set at 60fps frames per second atm
function draw()
	if(my_pause==false) // check if the animation is not paused with spacebar
		my_animation(); //  draw!		
	// calculate smoothed scaled image; in little steps

	//the backround css color fader
	if(css_bgchange==true){css_background_change(200);} // fade in 200 steps

	//render the big image (with scollbars) 
	//not really used at the moment- moved it: at save the big image
		var c=document.getElementById('my_canvas');
		var ctx=c.getContext("2d");
		c.width = im_w; 
		c.height = im_h;
		//update image buffer - screen
		var img1 = ctx.createImageData(im_w, im_h); //var
		for (var p=0, j = 0; j < im_h*im_w; j++)
		{[p++] = pix_r[j];	// r[p++] = pix_g[j];	// g[p++] = pix_b[j];	// b[p++] = 255;		// alpha
		ctx.putImageData(img1, 0, 0);	
	// -------------render to screen - screen scaled image-------------------
	else if(show_buff==1)
		var c=document.getElementById('my_canvas');
		var ctx=c.getContext("2d");
		c.width = pix_screen_w; 
		c.height = pix_screen_h;
		//update image buffer
		var img1 = ctx.createImageData(pix_screen_w, pix_screen_h); //var
		for (var p=0, j = 0; j < pix_screen_w*pix_screen_h; j++)
		{[p++] =  pix_screen_r[j]; // red[p++] =  pix_screen_g[j]; // green[p++] =  pix_screen_b[j]; // blue[p++] =  255; // alpha not used atm
		ctx.putImageData(img1, 0, 0);
	//----------------mouse zoomed image!----------------
	else if(show_buff==2)
		var c=document.getElementById('my_canvas');
		var ctx=c.getContext("2d");
		c.width = win_w; 
		c.height = win_h;
		// -200 make it smaller so you have a noscroll zone around borders
		var tratiox=(im_w-win_w)/(win_w-200);
		var tratioy=(im_h-win_h)/(win_h-200);
		var scrollx=((mx-100)*tratiox)<<0;
		var scrolly=((my-100)*tratioy)<<0;
		//update image buffer - screen
		var img1 = ctx.createImageData(win_w,win_h);
		if(im_w<win_w || im_h<win_h)// --my drawing-image is smaller then the screensize
			var starw=win_w;
			var starh=win_h;
			var starx=0;
			var stary=0;
			if (im_w<win_w)
				scrollx = -starx;
			if (im_h<win_h)
				scrolly	= -stary;
			for (var p=0,j = stary; j < starh; j++)
					for (var i = starx; i < starw; i++)
						var p2=((j+scrolly)*im_w)+(i+scrollx);	//  scrolly	= -stary;				
						var p1=((j*4)*win_w)+((i)*4);		[p1] 	= pix_r[p2];	// r[p1+1] = pix_g[p2];	// g[p1+2] =  pix_b[p2];	// b[p1+3] = 255;		// alpha not used atm
			ctx.putImageData(img1, 0, 0);	
		else // --my drawing-image is larger then the screen--
			for (var p=0,j = 0; j < win_h; j++)
				for (var i = 0; i < win_w; i++)
					var p2=((j+scrolly)*im_w)+(i+scrollx);[p++] = pix_r[p2];		// r[p++] = pix_g[p2];		// g[p++] =  pix_b[p2];	// b[p++] = 255;			// alpha not used atm
			ctx.putImageData(img1, 0, 0);	

	// save part some legacy code
	if (save_image==true && render_complete==true) // save image 
		// first draw the image 'big'
		var c=document.getElementById('my_canvas');
		var ctx=c.getContext("2d");
		c.width = im_w; 
		c.height = im_h;
		var img1 = ctx.createImageData(im_w, im_h); //var
		for (var p=0, j = 0; j < im_h*im_w; j++)
		{[p++] = pix_r[j];	// r[p++] = pix_g[j];	// g[p++] = pix_b[j];	// b[p++] = 255;		// alpha
		ctx.putImageData(img1, 0, 0);
		// then save the image!
		var imagename= cversion+'_'+fxhash+'_'+'.png'; // I also save the fxhashkey!
		var my_download = document.createElement('a');
		my_download.setAttribute('download', imagename);			
		var mcanvas = document.getElementById('my_canvas');
		mcanvas.toBlob(function(blob) {
						var url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
						my_download.setAttribute('href', url);;	

//------------- css tricks -----------------------
// change - fade background-color of my css backdrop 
function css_background_change(steps)
	var r1,g1,b1;		
		var cstep1=steps-css_bgchange_count;
		var cstep2=steps-cstep1;
		r1 = (((css_bgchange_rgb[3] *cstep1) +  (css_bgchange_rgb[0]*cstep2))/steps)<<0;
		g1 = (((css_bgchange_rgb[4] *cstep1) +  (css_bgchange_rgb[1]*cstep2))/steps)<<0;
		b1 = (((css_bgchange_rgb[5] *cstep1) +  (css_bgchange_rgb[2]*cstep2))/steps)<<0;		
	else //done fading
		r1= css_bgchange_rgb[0];
		g1= css_bgchange_rgb[1];
		b1= css_bgchange_rgb[2];
		css_bgchange_rgb[3] = r1;	 
		css_bgchange_rgb[4] = g1; 	
		css_bgchange_rgb[5] = b1;
	// make the borders a bit darker!
	var r3 = (r1/7)<<0; var g3 = (g1/7)<<0; var b3 = (b1/7)<<0; 
	var fadedirection='to top';
	if(pix_screen_ver==true){fadedirection='to right';}
	document.getElementById('backgroundblock').style.backgroundImage = 
		'linear-gradient('+fadedirection+', rgb('+r3+','+g3+','+b3+'), rgb('+r1+','+g1+','+b1+'),rgb('+r3+','+g3+','+b3+') )'; 

function toscreen_render()
		var stepr_x =(im_w / pix_screen_w);  
		var stepr_y =(im_h / pix_screen_h);
		//sampling org texture
		x_step = new Array(pix_screen_w*pix_screen_h);
		y_step = new Array(pix_screen_w*pix_screen_h);
		for (var j = 0; j < pix_screen_h; j++)  
			for (var i = 0; i <pix_screen_w; i++) 
				var p1=(j*pix_screen_w)+i;
				var ii =(i*stepr_x)<<0;
				var ii2=((i+1)*stepr_x)<<0;
				var jj=(j*stepr_y)<<0;
				var jj2=((j+1)*stepr_y)<<0;
				x_step[p1] = ii2-ii;
				y_step[p1] = jj2-jj;	
		var stepr_x =(im_w/pix_screen_w);
		var stepr_y =(im_h/pix_screen_h);
		var newy=yline_pos + 32; // render parts: now in steps of 32 !! you can change this faster-slower!
		var lastlines=false;
		if( newy > pix_screen_h-1)
			newy = pix_screen_h;
		for (var j = yline_pos; j < newy; j++) // 
			for (var i = 0; i < pix_screen_w; i++) 
					var p0=(j*pix_screen_w)+i; // step buff							
					var ii=(i*stepr_x)<<0;
					var jj=(j*stepr_y)<<0;
					var p2=(jj*im_w)+ii;
					var r1=pix_r[p2];
					var g1=pix_g[p2];
					var b1=pix_b[p2];
					var dc=1;

					for (var cj = 0; cj < (y_step[p0]); cj++) 
						for (var ci = 0; ci < (x_step[p0]); ci++) 
							var tpos=(p2+ci) +ytable_im_w[cj]; 
							r1 += pix_r[tpos];
							g1 += pix_g[tpos];
							b1 += pix_b[tpos];
					pix_screen_r[p0]= (r1/dc)<<0;
					pix_screen_g[p0]= (g1/dc)<<0;
					pix_screen_b[p0]= (b1/dc)<<0;
			render_complete=true; // for save check!
			//test='pages rendered: '+c_timesrendered

// pre-calculated random noise buffer 0-255 int
function math_init_random_0_255(buf)
	for (var i=0; i < rnd_bufsize; i++)
// get the random number from my buffer
function math_get_random_0_255()
  if (rnd_pos>=rnd_bufsize)
    rnd_step=((fxrand()*20)<<0)+1; // shuffle  the step and starting position
  return (rnd_buf[rnd_pos]); // returns a random color between 0 and 255

// set up a cos/sin buffer (circles waves etc.)
function set_cossinbuffer(nsize,mcos,msin)
	for(var i=0; i<nsize; i++) 
		mcos[i]=( Math.cos ( i*360/nsize * Math.PI / 180)); // note: this can change in time !!
		msin[i]=( Math.sin ( i*360/nsize * Math.PI / 180)); // depending on browser - cpu

//clear array-screen with a value
function fill_array(buf,size,value)
	for (var i=0; i < size; i++)

 //--- my random using fxrand()------------
function my_random_int(nummer){return ( ((fxrand()*nummer) << 0) );} //int 

function my_random_dub(nummer){return ( fxrand()*nummer );} //float

function my_random_int_minplus(nummer){return  (  ( (fxrand() * (nummer*2)) - nummer) << 0 );} 
//returns int:  between -num +num
function my_random_dub_minplus(nummer){return  ( (fxrand() * (nummer*2)) - nummer)  ;} 
//returns float:  between -num +num

//---------------------------end tech--------------------

// !-------------- --- next the creative part -----------!

// --- palette.js----
function init_my_palette()
	// you can store and collect your favourite palette's here
	var palet_data=[
	"red 'n grey", 220,10,10,   125,10,10,  200,200,200, //
	"green orange cyanish", 124,225,245,   219,127,59,    112,175,145,
	"orange-greenish", 245,97,56,   162,183,157,    72,195,57,
	"yellow cyanish",255, 255, 0,   0,  255,255,   200,200,200 ]; //  // last one without , !	
	var numpalettes=palet_data.length / 10; // how many palettes i got now?
	var randompalette=my_random_int(numpalettes)
	var whatpalette = randompalette * 10; // rgb position
	// - put fps on to see the rgb numbers	
	test="<hr>-rgb-rgb-rgb-<hr>	"
	if (random_palette ==  false)
		test+= "palette: " +palet_data[whatpalette+0];
		test+= "random palette";
		palette_name="random palette";
	palet_data[0]=palet_data[whatpalette+1]; // get colors from my palette
		palet_data[0]=55+my_random_int(200); // 3 random rgb colors
	// outputs rgb - text to the fps-info // you can either use " or ' 
	test+="<b><span style='color:rgb("+palet_data[0]+","+palet_data[1]+","+palet_data[2]+");'>"+palet_data[0]+","+palet_data[1]+","+palet_data[2]+","+"</span>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span style='color:rgb("+palet_data[3]+","+palet_data[4]+","+palet_data[5]+");'>"+palet_data[3]+","+palet_data[4]+","+palet_data[5]+", "+"</span>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span style='color:rgb("+palet_data[6]+","+palet_data[7]+","+palet_data[8]+");'>"+palet_data[6]+","+palet_data[7]+","+palet_data[8]+","+"</span></b><hr><hr>";

	// !!!! you can change and fine-tune the shades of your palette here. like number and steps to darker
	var numplay=32; // for every palette rgb, make 32 shades 
	var darkstep=7; // shades to darker step
	pallet_num=0;	// start with 0 colors
	for (var i = 0; i <  numplay; i++) //6 fade to dark   palette rgb 1
		pallet_r[pallet_num]= palet_data[0] - (i*darkstep);
		pallet_g[pallet_num]= palet_data[1] - (i*darkstep);
		pallet_b[pallet_num]= palet_data[2] - (i*darkstep);
		pallet_num++; // add this color to the palette buffer
	for (var i = 0; i <  numplay; i++) // fade to dark    palette rgb 2
		pallet_r[pallet_num]= palet_data[3] - (i*darkstep)<<0;
		pallet_g[pallet_num]= palet_data[4] - (i*darkstep)<<0;
		pallet_b[pallet_num]= palet_data[5] - (i*darkstep)<<0;
	for (var i = 0; i <  numplay; i++) // fade to dark    palette rgb 3
		pallet_r[pallet_num]= palet_data[6] - (i*darkstep)<<0;
		pallet_g[pallet_num]= palet_data[7] - (i*darkstep)<<0;
		pallet_b[pallet_num]= palet_data[8] - (i*darkstep)<<0;
		for (var i = 0; i <  numplay; i++) // fade to dark  extra  palette grey 
			pallet_r[pallet_num]= ((palet_data[0]+palet_data[1]+palet_data[2])/3) - (i*7) <<0;
			pallet_g[pallet_num]= pallet_r[pallet_num];
			pallet_b[pallet_num]= pallet_r[pallet_num];
	// little error check else funky -colors!
	for (var i = 0; i <  pallet_num; i++)
	for (var i = 0; i <  pallet_num; i++)
		test+="<span style='background-color:rgb("+pallet_r[i]+","+pallet_g[i]+","+pallet_b[i]+");>&nbsp;</span>"


//----------------------------  xxx.js 
// !now the drawing starts!
function my_animation()
	global_anim_frame++; // global frame counter  

	if (animation_part==0) // start init animation!
		// create a new (random) palette
		//clear screen!	
		var col= my_random_int(pallet_num); 
		var r1=pallet_r[col];
		var g1=pallet_g[col];
		var b1=pallet_b[col];
		//change the css_background - color fader
		css_bgchange=true;  css_bgchange_count=0;
		css_bgchange_rgb[0] = r1; css_bgchange_rgb[1] = g1; css_bgchange_rgb[2] = b1;
		animation_part=1; // and go next!		 
	// init -- draw random lines
	else if (animation_part==1)
		animation_part++; // go next
	// draw random lines
	else if (animation_part==2)
		var col= my_random_int(pallet_num); // get a random color from my palette
		var r = pallet_r[col];
		var g = pallet_g[col];
		var b = pallet_b[col];
		var x1= my_random_int(im_w);//get random x and y
		var y1= my_random_int(im_h); 

		for (var i = 0; i < 20000; i++) //draw a line of 20000 points 
			var pos= (y1*im_w)+ x1 ; // pixel position
			if(pos>-1 && pos<im_w*im_h) // never draw outside your pixel buffer!
				pix_r[pos]= r; // draw pixel
				pix_g[pos]= g;
				pix_b[pos]= b;
				x1+= my_random_int(2); // new random position
				y1+= my_random_int(2);
				if(x1>im_w-1){x1=im_w-x1;} // out of bounds - screen check 
				if(y1>im_h-1){y1=im_h-y1;} // check image width and height
			else {alert('out of bounds - never draw outside the buffer - memory!');}	

		if(anim_loop>700) // draw 700 lines then jump to end
			anim_loop=0; // reset loop again
			animation_part=100; // jump to end
	}// end animation_part 2
	// end of animation - do fxpreview - and wait a bit
	else if (animation_part==100)
		// do fxpreview after x drawings
		if( anim_loop > 200 && render_complete==true && do_once==0) 
			if (random_palette ==  false)
				window.$fxhashFeatures = 
					"palette":  palette_name
			fxpreview(); // now make the fxhash thumbnail - preview image
			do_once=1; // and do this only 1 time!
		if(anim_loop>700) // wait 700 times
			animation_part=101; // then jump to end
	else if (animation_part==101)
		animation_part=0; // reset; restart with a new image // or just wait here
}	// ------------------- end of animation 

// javascript end


<div id="backgroundblock" class="css_background"></div>

<div class="info_css" id="infoblock">0__.</div>

<canvas class="canvas_css" id="my_canvas">-__-</canvas>


See also my recent fxhash release. See it working here:

!!! Note: These examples use an older fxhash-snippet! Always use the latest one, when you want to test and upload it on fxhash !!!

I open Developer tools in chrome (F12 on windows); check google how to open it; incase you are on a different platform. There you can save the file as well. I use the Developer tools as well, for bug-checking.

So what's in it? - It's drawing a big image of like 4096x4096 - scale it down to the screen

I want to concentrate on this template next, for creative coding; in a new article

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