Great Sea
written by wmpeaster
A flock of gulls float with a gust
a model walks backwards through tunnel vision
she screams on the chessboard
a boat full of smiles surges forth
the model raises a soda can to the sky
her friends watch a bubble float across TV
flowers flower
cartoons dance in absurd tandem on screen
a man karate chops through the air
this girl turns around
the girl looks up
cars come to a stop
a bicyclist bursts through a sprinkler
a couple takes to psychedelic cobblestone
the girl waits in angst
flowers flower
the girl spins her hair in circles
the student balances beers on her fingers
the smiler smiles in sepia tone
the photographer leans in
a strawberry makes a splash in whiskey
an ice cube makes a splash in tea
some woman exits a car in medias nihil
the movie commercial begins
runners run
on the beach
players slap and scream at each other
cubelike mirrors burst up from the bay
a psychedelic concert unfolds in the waves
the chopper chops back and forth
the woman turns around in mist
dancers swing in circles
players run backwards too
America performs gymnastics
players stretch out
wrestlers wrestle
Spain jumps into first place
flags buckle in wind
a faceless witch turns around
a hurdler jumps into first place
this shampoo commercial begins
some man and a woman perform together
some car full of beasts veers through the city
while a traditional dancer in sepia
swings in circles
an innocent girl eats a Taro Pie
in all white
she eats pie
as a woman pulls her breasts out
two men dance in absurd tandem
the woman smiles again
another woman smiles
another pair of breasts are exposed
a smile becomes another smile
a bubble pops on TV
a troupe of men dance in all white
some soul throws itself from a roof
the woman throws her scarf to the ground
a caramel woman swirls and smiles too
a cocktail is raised to the sky
the white-robed temptress smiling
as more bubbles stew
and the white-clad widow is followed
by a pack of suitors
sailor girls disappear from a boat’s deck
girls blow bubbles on TV
surfers catch waves in the bay
in the street
tuxedoed men dance
women dance on the beach at dusk
a cough syrup commercial begins
a dreamer bikes home in the orange maw
a racecar driver makes a lap
they make another
and another
an anxious boy courts an anxious girl
children leave school
this troupe of women dance in absurd tandem
a woman dances
men dance
a man dances
surfers burst into the sky
a gust blows schoolgirls’ skirts up
the warrior springs into action
against the air
and lastly
a seer leers in front of the threshold
she bursts into the sky
women bring fruit forth upon their heads
to a falling tower held up by a monster
and a couple lies dazed by the bay
gulls swinging around in the air
as, my god, souls spring forth from soda cans.