Generative Conceptual Art: Redefining Artistic Norms
written by m5alien
by m5alien
Generative Conceptual Art (Gen-Conceptualism) is a form of art that explores the relationship between ideas and art through the use of generative algorithms. This metamodern art movement emphasizes the purity and beauty of ideas over the aesthetics or materiality of art, as well as transforming perceptions of the traditional concept of authorship through collaboration among artist, algorithm, and viewer.
By establishing a connection between the artist's creative process and the viewer's experience, Gen-Conceptualism artworks transcend mere representation. They reshape the fundamental aspects of artistic norms, questioning what art can be and inviting viewers to engage not with the visual representation but with the very essence of the idea behind it.
In Gen-Conceptualism, the idea is often not only the artwork itself but also the mechanism that creates it. Through collaboration with an algorithm taking on the role of a director, they create something completely new independently of the artist, shaping both each individual canvas and the entire story of the generative work (in the form of a sequence of pieces within a collection). Moreover, in many instances, a gen-conceptual piece relies on the spectator's involvement; without their engagement, the manifestation simply does not come into existence. Thus, the artist lays the groundwork, constructing and programming a multifunctional concept. The algorithm orchestrates, guiding both the unique identity of each piece and the overall evolution of the collection. And the viewer completes the circuit, forever reshaping the living conversation that is art.
Artworks of Generative Conceptual Art
Look. at. Yourself.
The Look. at. Yourself. conceptual generative art project is a visually perfect artwork with no visual. The only image is the viewer's reflection, which takes shape as the artistic image.
"Look. at. yourself. You are the central figure of the work of art!" -
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This project represents a new phase in the artist's exploration of the realm of the artist, the viewer, and the algorithm co-authorship, inviting spectators into the novel dimension, where they themselves become the central figure in the artwork being jointly created.
Co-authorship takes place at three levels: visual, actual, and algorithmic.
Visual level. This is the space of the artist, where she utilizes the viewer’s reflection to create an artistic image.
Actual level. This is the viewer's domain; each edition in the collection is a living piece that exists when the viewer looks at it.
Algorithmic level. The generative algorithm creates a unique art capsule with certain parameters for each artwork: loop duration, aspect ratio, orientation, frame rate, and the epistle (the artwork's vibe; a dialogue between the artist and the viewer under the direction of a generative algorithm). All this data, after minting, is accessible in the Features section.
The collection consists of 105 editions, currently visible as reserved (artist's reserve). In the first year after release, a number of editions equal to the artist's age will be opened for collectors. Further, each year of the artist's life will be marked by the unlocking of one piece.
Artist's Invisible Presence
Artist's Invisible Presence is a conceptual generative project with an absent visual and a present artist, directed by a generative algorithm.
How to experience the presence?
🎧Use your headphones!🎧
(Press the Run button to start playing, then click/tap on the canvas. To maintain uninterrupted sound, it should stay within your field of vision).
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Every edition in the collection is the emptiness of the canvas and the invisible presence of the artist, who has gone beyond her own artwork; now she exists and creates in the viewer's imagination.
The project comprises a series of unique binaural audio performances directed by a generative algorithm that builds its own dramaturgy for each piece and then seals the resulting audio image into an art capsule. All capsule data after minting can be seen in the Features section. It contains such parameters as aspect ratio, orientation (landscape/portrait), frequency and duration of artist presence sounds (heartbeat, breath, steps), and their stereo panning.
The collection implements an original author's mechanism for the emergence of new works, similar to the collection Look. at. Yourself.
Pure Art
"Less is more." - Mies van der Rohe
The Pure Art generative collection is an embodiment of the essence of the Gen-Conceptualism movement, an art form where the key value is the purity of an idea, and all dramaturgy is constructed by an algorithm.
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At the heart of the collection are 105 editions of pure art created by code. Each of them is unique and has its own genome, consisting of combinations of size, duration, depth, orientation, and aspect ratio.
What else? Oh yes!
Welcome to m5th dimension!
Discover more Gen-Conceptualism artworks by m5alien here.