Gallery: Ceremony
written by cc0x0x0
Ceremony is a collection that celebrates fxhash turning one.
One of the stipulations of the event is that part or all of the proceeds get donated to a charity of the artist's choice. I chose Code/Art which is a charity that uses "...Art to Inspire Girls in Computer Science."
Ceremony, much like its predecessor, Obliques, uses CC0 or public domain art as brushes exclusively. It may draw other solid colors, but if those are anything but white or black, they are sampled from one of the source images.
It seemed fitting to exclusively select art made by women for this project, given the charity selected. Below are the 36 pieces of art that were selected. These pieces are not necessarily CC0, but they are public domain, which is close enough. Sticking to the literal CC0 license rule I set up for this account seemed a bit limiting for this project, and the essence is the same.
** Update: in my haste collecting art for this, I made the incorrect assumption that Aubrey Beardsley was a woman but whoops, that was wrong. It's too late to change it now but please accept my apology. lol whoops! 🤦
I wanted to have a range of art movements (rococo, abstract expressionism, dadaism, etc) and even included some photography. The hope was to have enough diversity in color and composition that all iterations of Ceremony have a little special something. All were selected from the Obelisk Art History Project and more specifically their list of “Badass Female Artists.”
I'm very grateful for their aggregation, as this would've been much more time consuming had they not presented it in such a lovely way. Not all work linked from their list is public domain, but the selected works are.
I'm going to attempt to show them in alphabetical order by first name because that's how the files were named and it made it easier. I hope you enjoy.
Oh, also, before we get to the source material, it's worth mentioning that compositionally, Ceremony is very inspired by Lisa Orth's Open Concept... but like, on a lot of (or just different) drugs. So, let's start there, and then we'll show the art used in this project.
project name project name project name
Thank you for viewing! Don't forget to click play on the iterations and then tap/click the image after the initial render so you can enter "Forever" mode! You can even do this on the embed below. Have fun and happy birthday fxhash!
Love, Jeres
*All royalties for this article will be donated to Code/Art via this tezos address: tz2FZSYNHSmtoCwFbq7pBmu9qe5CnFQ7sVtN