fxGems #1 ⏀ Top 23 Best Representational Projects from Nov. 2021
written by Haiver
fxGems is curated by Haiver. Follow on Twitter and Mastodon for recommendations, and sign up for email notifications on Substack for when a new issue drops. To support the work, collect a copy of this genesis issue or other issues, or consider minting one of my generative pieces here on fx(hash).
Generative artists quickly flocked to fx(hash) when it launched on Nov. 3, 2021. In that first month alone 1859 projects were uploaded, and some artists released as many as 8-12 projects each. There was a pent up demand for an open site like fx(hash), where artists and collectors could come together to show off and celebrate the wonder that is art with code.
Among those early projects are some of the most iconic works in fx(hash) history, which you'll find below. I hope you find some art to fall in love with!
It's important to note that fxGems is not a ranked list. One part of good curation is putting pieces in conversation with one another, so each numbered mint featured here has been carefully selected, then ordered into groups of twos and threes to create a dialogue between the different projects. There are juxtapositions and echoes, recurring themes and visual motifs. A thread has been woven throughout. How it draws you from one project to the next is up to you to find.
If you’re looking for more recommendations, check out the abstract Best of List, as well as the many Honorable Mentions, covering November 2021.
Hashed Cities by Yazid
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Unbuilt by mrkswcz
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Smolskull by markknol
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ASCII-Smolskull by markknol
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Natural Selection by Reinder Nijhoff
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Robotics by Hevey
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Out of the Time by ge1doot
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Tokyo Galaxy: Shibuya by akizuki
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CMYK:RND by nor44
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Collage Faces by lomz
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Nowhere Flower by Likemurvin
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Dahlia Pinnata 30 by smallfly
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Waiting in Afton by mjlindow
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Cartographics by mandybrigwell
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African Idols by Gen_Doodler
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Zhu(竹) by random_combo
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Propagate by Amy Goodchild
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Harmony Clock by meodai
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Concrete Jungle by Estienne
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Island by Job Talle
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Monuments: Kingdom of Utu by guidoschmidt
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City Postcard by lomz
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Woof Woof by chabe
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fxGems is not affiliated with fx(hash) or fx(text) (hence the lack of parentheses), and none of the recommendations herein should be construed as financial advice. We’re here to celebrate the art!
Each month I go one by one through all of the projects that dropped on fx(hash) to find the strongest, most compelling work — generative art that has a unique voice, a wide variety across its many mints, and an intriguing approach to algorithms and technique.